All things in the universe have the development, growth and demise of the development process. The demonstration of biological genetics and evolution, evolution of celestial bodies, the decay of radioactive elements, and the decay process with long half-lives of non-radioactive inorganic elements all illustrate an objective truth: from small molecules to large ones, All have the development process from the origin of creation to the demise of death, that is, according to the law of causality in the form of spiral rise or decay in the development, change. All the history of technological development and philosophical thinking so far have proved the objective existence of this law. Knowing the development of things according to this law will change from passive to active, adapt to the law of development of all things, and give full play to the subjective initiative of mankind to promote and influence the process of the evolution of all things. The originality of scientific discovery, the innovativeness of technological development, and the start-up of enterprises have a process for a specific discovery, invention or innovation. That is the cause, the change and the result. Cause from the “seed”, people call it a gene;