At the end of the 20th century, Professor John Jung, the late U.S. private international law scientist, set off a powerful afterthought in the revolutionary law of conflict. In his writings, Professor Jung condemned the orthodox theory of the mainstream conflict law deeply and meticulously. From the perspective of substantive law, this article evaluates the revolution of the conflict law in the United States. He denied not only the method of multilateralism but also the theory of unilateralism, that is, the theory of discriminating the law. At the same time, he denied Curie’s new unilateralism. His critique of the traditional law choice was the culmination of all the criticisms of the revolution in the conflict law in the United States . He advocated judges in the trial of cases of private international law, should be directly from the case summed up the international nature and special rules of the law, this method is called the substantive method. ①