The Anti-Unfair Competition Law is the general term for legal norms that the state explicitly prohibits legal persons and citizens from taking illegal ways to gain illegitimate profits during the course of production and operation in order to ensure fair and free economic competition. The earlier anti-unfair competition law in the world was the Sherman Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the United States, which came out in 1890, followed by the Federal Trade Commission Act [1914], the Clayton Act And the Seiler-Caverville Act [1950]. According to the above-mentioned law, any monopoly price agreement, production agreement, market-scale agreement or boycott agreement is illegal. It also stipulates that “in the commercial Unfair or deceptive practices ”,“ excludable anti-competitive deals ”,“ interlocking board of directors between competitors ”,“ price discrimination in favor of big buyers ”and" competition to curb competition or form a monopoly for