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用数学美的思想方法指导解题是数学思维的重要策略。在解题过程中数学美的思想能启发引导我们去进行直觉思维,使思维过程跃过分析推理的细节,凭感觉去发现问题的内在联系。所以,“美的观点一旦与数学问题的条件与结论的特点结合,思维主体就能凭借已有的知识和经验产生审美直觉,从而确定解题的总体思路或入手方向。”一、追求简洁美,探索解题捷径简明就是一种美。法国哲学家狄德罗说:“算学中所谓美的问题,是指一个难以解决的问题,而所谓美的回答,则是指对于困难而复杂的问题的简单回答。”有 It is an important strategy of mathematics thinking to use mathematics and ideology to guide problem solving. In the process of solving problems, the thought of mathematics can inspire and guide us to carry out intuition thinking, make the thinking process jump over the details of analytical reasoning, and use the feeling to discover the inner relationship of the problem. Therefore, once “the idea of ​​beauty is combined with the characteristics of the conditions and conclusions of the mathematical problem, the subject of thinking can rely on existing knowledge and experience to produce an aesthetic intuition, so as to determine the overall thinking or direction of the problem.” First, the pursuit of simplicity and beauty, It is a kind of beauty to explore and solve short cuts. The French philosopher Diderot said: “The so-called beauty problem in mathematics refers to a problem that is difficult to solve, and the so-called beauty response refers to a simple answer to a difficult and complex problem.”
初级中学课本《几何》对三角形的定义是: 由三条线段首尾顺次连结所组成的图形叫做三角形。如右图,线段AB、BC、CA首尾顺次连结而成,根据上述定义,这一图形也是三角形。且有
所谓熵,是一个热力学的概念,熵的计算公式为 S=kinω其中ω为热力学几率,k为波兹曼常数。热力学理论告诉我们,孤立系统在平衡状态时,粒子总在匣内呈均匀、对称的平衡分布,具
初中《几何》第二册95页18题为: 圆内接三角形ABC中,AB=AC,经过点A的弦与BC和(?)分别相交于点D和E.求证:△ABD∽△AEB. 在证题之后经过再探索,写了《由一道平几习题所想到的
一、判断题的命题原则 1.以新大纲为准则,以课本为兰本。编拟的试题不宜过难,必须扎根课本,即学在课本内,用在课本外。起点不要太高,要本着由易到难,梯度明显,知识分布面广
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