读了某些报纸上所谓的“文学作品”,我禁不住想到了“美容室”的美容术。作者用生花妙笔,做美容工具,给那些大款、老板、经理、厂长进行“特殊服务”。 为上述中的优秀人物实事求是地写传记或报告文学,理所应当。问题是有的作者一味地对笔下人物进行全方位的美化和歌颂,就像一张本来很一般的面孔。经过他们的“美容处理”,于是。他们被描述
After reading the so-called “literary works” in some newspapers, I could not help but think of the cosmetology of “beauty salon.” The author uses beautiful flowers pen, make beauty tools, to those big, boss, manager, director for “special services.” It is only right that we write down biographies or reportage for the above outstanding individuals. The problem is that some authors blindly beautify and sing the characters in all directions, just like a very ordinary face. After their “beauty treatment”, then. They are described