展现在我面前的这本封面红白分明而醒目的新编经济学系列教材——《老年经济学》,是复旦大学出版社出版该校王爱珠教授最新推出的一部新著。这是作者多年潜心研究的成果。 老年经济学,作为老年学的一个分支,在西方发达国家已有半个多世纪的研究历史,已出版了许多专著和教材,但这些成果离一门独立新兴学科的建立还有一段距离。对他们来说,老年经济学也还
The book in front of me, with a clear-cut and clear series of new economics textbooks, “The Economics of Old Age” is a new book by Professor Wang Aizhu, published by Fudan University Press. This is the result of years of painstaking research by the author. As a branch of gerontology, senior economists have been studying the history of western developed countries for more than half a century and have published many monographs and textbooks. However, these achievements are still far from the establishment of an independent new discipline. For them, the economics of old age is still