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专题指导 本专题主要包括北洋军阀统治的建立、袁世凯卖国和复辟帝制、军阀割据局面的形成和结束、国民党右派叛变革命和国民政府的建立、新军阀混战、蒋介石的“攘外必先安内”政策、国民党的一党专政和反共高潮、内战的爆发和南京国民政府的覆亡等。其中北洋军阀的黑暗统治和国民政府反共反人民的罪恶是本专题的重点。军阀割据局面形成的原因和对国民政府性质的认识是本专题的难点。 袁世凯窃取辛亥革命胜利果实,临时政府迁往北京,北洋军阀统治建立起来。唐绍仪内阁辞职后,袁世凯建立了封建独裁统治。为了镇压国民党,袁世凯以盐税作抵押向列强借款作军费,镇压了“二次革命”。为了复辟帝制,袁世凯大量出卖国家主权。 袁世凯死后,军阀割据混战,给人民带来极大灾难。 革命统一战线建立后,领导了轰轰烈烈的国民大革命。北伐战争基本消灭了北洋军阀势力,由于国民党右派叛变革命,国民大革命失败。 代表大地主大资产阶级利益的南京国民政府建立后,以英美帝主义为靠山,大肆掠夺人民,确立起四大家族为首的官僚资本的垄断地位。 Thematic guidance This topic mainly includes the establishment of Beiyang warlord rule, Yuan Shikai’s traitorous state and the restoration of the imperial system, the formation and ending of the separatist situation of the warlords, the KMT righteous revolution and the establishment of the National Government, the new warlords, and Chiang Kai-shek’s “Anxiong must first enter the country”. Policy, Kuomintang's one-party dictatorship and anti-communist upsurge, the outbreak of the civil war, and the fall of the Nanjing National Government. The dark rule of the Northern Warlords and the anti-communism against the people of the Nationalist Government are the focus of this topic. The reasons for the formation of the separatist warlord and the understanding of the nature of the National Government are the difficulties of this topic. Yuan Shikai stole the fruit of the victory of the 1911 Revolution. The interim government was relocated to Beijing and the Northern Warlords ruled. After Tang Shaoyi's cabinet resigned, Yuan Shikai established the feudal dictatorship. In order to suppress the Kuomintang, Yuan Shikai used salt taxes as collateral to borrow money from the Soviet Union for military purposes and suppressed the “second revolution.” In order to restore the monarchy, Yuan Shikai sold a large number of national sovereignty. After Yuan Shikai’s death, the warlords seized the melee and brought disaster to the people. After the revolutionary united front was established, it led the vigorous National Revolution. The Northern Expeditionary War basically eliminated the Northern Warlord forces. Because the Kuomintang right revolutionary revolution, the National Revolution failed. After the establishment of the Nanjing National Government, which represented the interests of big landlord and big bourgeoisie, it used British and American doctrines as the basis for support, and plundered the people and established the monopoly position of the bureaucratic capital headed by the four major families.
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