买书、读书是我最大的嗜好。从上初中开始,我就用家里给的零用钱买了俞平伯的《唐宋词选释》、胡云翼的《宋词选》等书。后来。我当了图书馆员,更是每天出入于“书城”之中。可我买书的嗜好,却没有因此而减弱,反而有“愈演愈烈”的趋势。十几年来,我的藏书在我不断的补充之下,也有几千册了。 买书,自然离不开书店。现在新书的价格真可谓“指日高升”,而书的质量却越来越差。因此,在京城众多的书店当中,我越来越偏爱旧书店。逛旧书店,很难抱有明确的目的而去,在不经意的闲逛之中,往往会有意想不到的收获。
Buy books, study is my biggest hobby. Starting from the junior high school, I used the pocket money I bought at home by Yu Pingbo’s Tang and Song Poetry, and Hu Yunyi’s Selected Song Poems. later. I became a librarian, but also every day in the “Bookstore” among them. I can not afford to buy books, but did not weakened, but there is “intensified” trend. More than a decade, my collection of books in my constant addition, there are thousands of copies. Buy a book, naturally can not do without the bookstore. Now the price of a new book can be described as “rising in Japan,” while the quality of the book is getting worse. Therefore, among the many bookstores in the capital, I prefer the old bookstores more and more. Stroll the old bookstore, it is difficult to hold a clear purpose away, inadvertently wandering among, often there will be unexpected gains.