目的 :修订CCMD -3儿童部分 ,并作临床测试。方法 :以ICD -10为蓝本结合国情修订 ,将精神发育迟滞及其它发育障碍归于 70 -79大类 ,其它行为情绪问题归于 80 -89类。临床测试在全国 12省市17所医院进行。每例由两名医师评定。结果 :共收回有效病例 773例 (男 60 5例 ,女 168例 )。二评定员之间诊断一致性为 93 3 3 % -10 0 % ,Kappa值 0 82 -1 0 0。各类症状出现率高。结论 :本方案科学 ,可靠 ,适应我国国情可供临床应用。
Purpose: To revise the CCMD-3 children section for clinical testing. Methods: Based on ICD-10, the paper revised the national conditions and classified mental retardation and other developmental disorders as 70-79 categories. Other behavioral problems were classified as 80-89 categories. Clinical tests were conducted in 17 hospitals in 12 provinces and cities nationwide. Each case is assessed by two physicians. Results: A total of 773 valid cases were recovered (male 60 5 and female 168). The diagnostic concordance between the two assessors was 93.3% -10.0% with a Kappa value of 0 82 -1 0 0. High incidence of various symptoms. Conclusion: The program is scientific, reliable and suitable for clinical application in China.