2007年,林肯公园乐队(Linkin Park)发行了一张名为Minute to Midnight 的专辑,主打环保主义,警告世人,由于我们的无限欲望,世界正在朝着可怕的方向走去。专辑中,最为人熟知的歌曲要算那首曾被电影《变形金刚》用做片尾曲的“What I’ve done”了:
In this farewell,
There is no blood,
There is no alibi(不在场证明),
Cause I’ve drawn regret,
From the truth,
Of a thousands lies,
So let mercy come and wash away
What I’ve done, I’ll face myself,
To cross out what I’ve become,
Erase myself,
And let go of
What I’ve done
Put to rest,
What you thought of me, While I clean this slate(写字板),
With the hands, Of uncertainty,
So let mercy come, And wash away
What I’ve done
可惜,主唱Chester一声声嘶吼着“What I’ve done”,除了为变形金刚打砸这个世界平添了许多声势之外,似乎并没有起到多少警醒世人的作用。
于是,有人——至少在虚构世界里——想到了更为极端的做法。不久前上映的《但丁密码》(Inferno,意为“地狱”,与但丁《神曲》第一部同名)中,大富翁兼“环保主义先锋”Bertrand Zobrist认为人类不可救药,如果天谴不至,便要发动一场人为的清洗。
在电影开篇,Zobrist这样讲道:“It took the earth’s population a hundred thousand years to reach a billion people. And then just a hundred more to reach two billion. And only 50 years to double again to four billion people in 1970. We’re nearly at eight billion now. Bartlett1 used the example of a beaker(烧杯). With a single bacterium, one that divides and doubles every minute. If you place the first bacterium into the beaker at 11 o’clock, and it’s completely full by 12, at what time is the beaker still only half full? 11:59. That’s what time it is for us. In 40 years, 32 billion people will fight to survive. They’ll fail. We’re a minute to midnight.”
Zobrist提出的“minute to midnight”的說法与Linkin Park所指略有不同。Zobrist是在讲“geometric progression”(几何级增长)或“exponential progression”( 指数级增长)这个概念2,而Linkin Park则指“Doomsday Clock”(末日之钟)这个说法——1947年由Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists(《原子科学家公报》)提出,用“midnight”来指核大战爆发,人类毁灭的一刻;后来,随着包括环境恶化等诸多问题的涌现,“midnight”便被用来形容任何导致人类毁灭的时刻了。
全球人口过剩,这的确是个不争的事实。意大利政治思想家马基亚维利那句名言这样说:“When every province of the world so teems with inhabitants that they can neither subsist where they are nor remove themselves elsewhere... the world will purge itself.”3(当世界的每个角落都挤满了居民,他们既无法生存,也无法迁徙,那,世界就会对自身进行清洗。)
然而,自20世纪初,“人本主义”这个概念就受到了越来越多的怀疑,把人类看做是自身最大毒瘤的说法也并非奇谈。当然,所谓的“misanthropist”(厌恶人类者)思潮自古就有,比如,英国作家乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)便在他著名的《格列佛游记》(Gulliver’s Travels)中,让主人公遍睹人类的种种荒唐、愚昧,而最终爱上了更为理性的马。
In this farewell,
There is no blood,
There is no alibi(不在场证明),
Cause I’ve drawn regret,
From the truth,
Of a thousands lies,
So let mercy come and wash away
What I’ve done, I’ll face myself,
To cross out what I’ve become,
Erase myself,
And let go of
What I’ve done
Put to rest,
What you thought of me, While I clean this slate(写字板),
With the hands, Of uncertainty,
So let mercy come, And wash away
What I’ve done
可惜,主唱Chester一声声嘶吼着“What I’ve done”,除了为变形金刚打砸这个世界平添了许多声势之外,似乎并没有起到多少警醒世人的作用。
于是,有人——至少在虚构世界里——想到了更为极端的做法。不久前上映的《但丁密码》(Inferno,意为“地狱”,与但丁《神曲》第一部同名)中,大富翁兼“环保主义先锋”Bertrand Zobrist认为人类不可救药,如果天谴不至,便要发动一场人为的清洗。
在电影开篇,Zobrist这样讲道:“It took the earth’s population a hundred thousand years to reach a billion people. And then just a hundred more to reach two billion. And only 50 years to double again to four billion people in 1970. We’re nearly at eight billion now. Bartlett1 used the example of a beaker(烧杯). With a single bacterium, one that divides and doubles every minute. If you place the first bacterium into the beaker at 11 o’clock, and it’s completely full by 12, at what time is the beaker still only half full? 11:59. That’s what time it is for us. In 40 years, 32 billion people will fight to survive. They’ll fail. We’re a minute to midnight.”
Zobrist提出的“minute to midnight”的說法与Linkin Park所指略有不同。Zobrist是在讲“geometric progression”(几何级增长)或“exponential progression”( 指数级增长)这个概念2,而Linkin Park则指“Doomsday Clock”(末日之钟)这个说法——1947年由Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists(《原子科学家公报》)提出,用“midnight”来指核大战爆发,人类毁灭的一刻;后来,随着包括环境恶化等诸多问题的涌现,“midnight”便被用来形容任何导致人类毁灭的时刻了。
全球人口过剩,这的确是个不争的事实。意大利政治思想家马基亚维利那句名言这样说:“When every province of the world so teems with inhabitants that they can neither subsist where they are nor remove themselves elsewhere... the world will purge itself.”3(当世界的每个角落都挤满了居民,他们既无法生存,也无法迁徙,那,世界就会对自身进行清洗。)
然而,自20世纪初,“人本主义”这个概念就受到了越来越多的怀疑,把人类看做是自身最大毒瘤的说法也并非奇谈。当然,所谓的“misanthropist”(厌恶人类者)思潮自古就有,比如,英国作家乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)便在他著名的《格列佛游记》(Gulliver’s Travels)中,让主人公遍睹人类的种种荒唐、愚昧,而最终爱上了更为理性的马。