语文教材中的文章,数量是有限的。仅仅通过这些课文的教学,要提高学生的读写能力,是不够的。教师应当立足于课内,放眼于课外,以有限拓无限,开辟课堂教学的新天地。这样,学生既学得深,学得广,又能养成良好的读书习惯,获得较强的读写能力。如果只局限于课内,那是一条腿走路,学生的长进是十分有限的。于漪老师在教学中善于以课内带课外,以课外促课内,做到了课内外有机结合,有效地提高语文教学质量。她是从四方面这样做的: 一、在兴趣上启发。学生课外阅读的兴趣不是自然而然产生的,这需要教师培养、引导,努力
The number of articles in Chinese textbooks is limited. Through the teaching of these texts, it is not enough to improve students’ literacy. Teachers should base themselves on the inside of the lesson and look outside the classroom to limit the infinite and open up a new world of classroom teaching. In this way, students can learn both deeply and widely, and they can develop good reading habits and acquire strong literacy skills. If it is limited to classes, it is a one-legged walk. The growth of students is very limited. In the teaching, Teacher Yu Hao is good at taking extracurricular lessons in class, and promotes organic integration inside and outside class in order to effectively improve the quality of Chinese teaching. She did this from four aspects: First, inspired by interest. Students’ interest in reading after class does not naturally arise. This requires teacher training and guidance.