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人们常议论大学生的“高分低能”. “高分低能”的含义是什么,在大学生中占多大比重,怎样防止高分低能……只有弄清这些问题,才有助于明确分数与能力的关系,有助于端正办学思想,深入开展教学改革. 近来,我们对分数与能力问题进行了调查,收集了来自全国几十所大学的一百余份调查材料.认为“高考中获取高分的学生,一般具有较高的能力,高分低能现象确实存在,但为数不多”的人占调查对象的82%.他们所说的能力主要是指观察、记忆、想象、思维等认识能力和计算、表达、阅读、实验等灵活运用知识解决问题的实际能力,这是大学生顺利完成学习和其他任务应具备的基本能力.高中毕业生若缺乏较扎实的基础知识和较强的基本能力,便很难在高考中获得高分.尤其是近几年,高考试题注重基础知识和能力的考查,单靠死记硬背和“题海”战术是不可能考出好成绩的. People often talk about college students’ “high scores and low energy”. What is the meaning of “high scores and low energy” and what proportion of them are in college students? How can we prevent high scores and low performance? Only by clarifying these issues can we help clarify scores and abilities. Relationships have helped to straighten the idea of ​​running schools and conducted in-depth teaching reforms. Recently, we conducted surveys on scores and abilities and collected more than one hundred survey materials from dozens of universities nationwide. We believe that “high scores in college entrance examinations Students generally have higher abilities and high scores and low energy do exist, but few people account for 82% of the respondents. Their abilities refer to cognitive abilities such as observation, memory, imagination, and thinking. The ability to flexibly use knowledge to solve problems, such as, expression, reading, and experimentation, is the basic ability that a university student must have to successfully complete studies and other tasks. If high school graduates lack solid basic knowledge and strong basic skills, they It is difficult to get high scores in the college entrance examination. Especially in recent years, the high examination questions focus on the examination of basic knowledge and abilities. It is impossible to test the tactics of rote memorization and “sea of ​​questions” alone. Good results.
求二次曲线切点弦的方程,常规解法计算较繁杂.用下面几个定理给出一种新的解法,显得巧妙灵活,对于其它与切点弦的有关问题,此种解法亦见简便. Seeking the equation of the