【摘 要】
We study the 1 + N faithful telecloning of two linear-independent states of a one-qubit system. Based on the analysis of the probabilistic cloning machine, we c
【机 构】
Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, University of Science and Technology of China,Chinese Academy
We study the 1 + N faithful telecloning of two linear-independent states of a one-qubit system. Based on the analysis of the probabilistic cloning machine, we construct a multiparticle entangled state, and present a telecloning scheme under local operations and classical communication (LOCC). The success probability is greater than halfof the optimal probability of the probabilistic cloning machine. Specifically, we show how to prepare the three-particle entangled state needed by 1 → 2 telecloning under LOCC using the Greenberger-Hoe-Zeilinger state as a resource. All the operations in 1 → 2 telecloning are within the reach of current technology.
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清代教育家王筠在《教童子法》一文中说:“学生是人,不是猪狗,读书不讲,是念藏经也,嚼木扎也,钝者或俯首受驱使,敏者必不甘心也。”可见古人是主张讲授的。时代变迁,而今虽然各式各样的教法层出不穷,但讲授法仍是一种最基本的教学方法,这是毋庸置疑的。那如何让讲授法焕发出灿烂的光彩呢?很多教师侧重于讲授内容的科学性、讲授语言的艺术性、讲授的启发性,却常常忽略了讲授的适时性。讲授应何时而授呢? 一、授于学生