High-Performance Beamformer and Low-Complexity Detector for DF-Based Full-Duplex MIMO Relaying Netwo

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In this paper, we consider a full.duplex multiple.input multiple.output(MIMO) relaying network with the decode.and.forward(DF) protocol. Due to the full.duplex transmissions, the self.interference from the relay transmitter to the relay receiver degrades the system performance. We thus propose an iterative beamforming structure(IBS) to mitigate the self.interference. In this method, the receive beamforming at the relay is optimized to maximize the signal.to.interference.plus.noise.ratio(Max.SINR), while the transmit beamforming at the relay is optimized to maximize the signal.to.leakage.plusnoise.ratio(Max.SLNR). To further improve the performance, the receive and transmit beamforming matrices are optimized between Max.SINR and Max.SLNR in an iterative manner. Furthermore, in the presence of the residual self.interference, a low.complexity whitening.filter(WF) maximum likelihood(ML) detector is proposed. In this detector, a WF is designed to transform a colored interference.plus.noise to a white noise, while the singular value decomposition is used to convert coupled spatial subchannels to parallelindependent ones. From simulations, we find that the proposed IBS performs much better than the existing schemes. Also, the proposed low.complexity detector significantly reduces the complexity of the conventional ML(CML) detector from exponential time(an exponential function of the number of the source transmit antennas) to polynomial one while achieving a slightly better BER performance than the CML due to interference whitening. In this paper, we consider a full.duplex multiple.input multiple.output (MIMO) relaying network with the decode.and.forward (DF) protocol. Due to the full. Duplex transmissions, the self.interference from the relay transmitter to the relay receiver degrades the system performance. We hereby propose an iterative beamforming structure (IBS) to mitigate the self. interference. In this method, the receive beamforming at the relay is optimized to maximize the signal .to.interference.plus.noise. ratio (Max.SINR), while the transmit beamforming at the relay is optimized to maximize the signal .to.leakage.plusnoise.ratio (Max.SLNR). To further improve the performance, the receive and transmit beamforming matrices are optimized between Max .SINR and Max.SLNR in an iterative manner. In this presence of the residual self.interference, a low.complexity whitening.filter (WF) maximum likelihood (ML) detector is proposed. In this detector, a WF is designed to transform a colored interference.plus.noise To simulate, we find that the proposed IBS performs much better than the existing schemes. Also, the proposed low complexity measure complexity reduces the complexity of the existing schemes of the conventional ML (CML) detector from exponential time (an exponential function of the number of the source transmit antennas) to polynomial one while achieve a slightly better BER performance than the CML due to interference whitening.
曾记得,自己上小学的时候,家里很穷,铅笔要用到很短很短,本子要反正面都写满才不得不换新的。所以,那时,上学最期待的事情就是参加考试和各种学习竞赛。因为只有在参加了考试和竞赛之后,我才能有机会得到一笔颇丰的奖品(铅笔若干,本子若干),而且,也只有在那时,我是感到最快乐的,因为这将意味着我短时间内不必再为学习用品发愁了,同时,也意味着自己有向别人炫耀的资本了。  上中学的时候,家里的生活水平有所提高。
数学日记为学生提供了一种用数学语言或自己的语言表达思想方法和情感的载体。要写好数学日记,需要准备丰富的日记素材。那么,如何捕捉数学日记素材呢?  学生可以在生活中寻找数学日记素材。让学生从身边选取日记素材,能使他们经常地、细心地留意身边的各种事例,培养观察能力。例如,有个学生在学了“米的认识”后写了如下日记:昨天杨老师叫我们每人带一根量尺,我觉得很奇怪。第二天数学课上,我看到同学们桌子上放着五花八
我总不以为然地教育学生要互相学习,多看别人的优点。可是,作为教师的我却没有以身作则。我总以工作忙为借口,很少与同事交流,即使交流也只是交流工作方面的问题,更不用说取他人之长补自己之短了。前段时间,我与同事一起外出学习一周。在这一周内,我们住的是六人宿舍。在形影不离的一周时间里,我从同伴那里学到了很多。  张老师已经40多岁,是我们宿舍里年龄最大的一位。尽管年届不惑,但她依然显得活泼,身体的柔韧性和
摘要:互联网技术的发展与互联网应用的普及,让网络成为了信息传播的主要载体和平台。而微博的出现逐渐改变了人们获取信息的方式,其在引导公众舆论中的优势日渐凸显,影响力得到迅速提高,由微博引发的媒体格局变革正在发生。本文通过分析微博的特征及对个人、企业、社会的深刻影响,具体分析了新媒体时代下微博舆情的影响力。  关键词:微博;传统媒体;微博舆情  微博即微博客(Micro Blog)的简称,是一个基于用
在教学中,当教师拿着课前精心准备的教案与学生对话时,在不经意间,学生往往会跳出我们预先设定的框架,令教师措手不及,让预先设置的任务没办法完成。这时,教师如果能将“预设”与“生成”巧妙结合,课堂也许就会在精密中蕴涵细腻,在端庄中焕发灵性。  在教学《幸福是什么》时,教师让学生谈谈不同职业的人对幸福的不同理解。一学生站起来,问道:“老师,你觉得幸福吗?”我一时愣住了,这一问题是我课前没有想到的。再说了
我原先带班的教室在三楼,窗外不远处有一片海,蓝蓝的,不见边际。天气晴好时,还能看到朵朵的浪花,隐隐听到哗哗的声音,十分惬意。今年,我接手了一个新的班级,教室从三楼换到一楼,而这里的窗外是一堵厚重高耸的院墙,墙顶上长着几棵稀疏却也嫩绿的小草,显得很有生机。  当我第一次走进这个陌生的环境时,迎接我的一幕是垃圾遍地。班上已乱成一锅粥,有大声说笑的,有追逐打闹的,有玩耍嬉戏的。他们瞟了我一眼,没在意,依
一册油墨飘香的书,一杯香气扑鼻的茶!  一晃眼,这种生活陪伴我走过了五个春秋。五载光阴,就像白驹过隙,但书房里的那堆《江西教育》告诉我,这五年,我过得很充实。  那所边远山区的农村小学是我的第一个工作岗位。学校里包括我总共才两个老师。每天放学后,学生和另一个老师都要回家,而我只得留宿在学校。学校条件差,没有电视、收音机,甚至连书刊都很少。时常是偌大的校园里只有我一人的身影,因此一种从未有过的孤独感