感谢生活。清风雨露饮尽一路风尘,草木枯荣送还岁岁轮回。馨香花卉带给我们温润的慰藉,缕缕阳光给予我们心灵普照……总想留住生活中每一次感动、每一个徽笑、每一个细节、每一个让我们难以释怀的日子。把握住生活的分分秒秒。去充实人生旅途中的行囊。感谢生活。保持生命的鲜艳就有生活的丰富多彩,五彩缤纷。我们拥有生命,就有充沛的精力去打拼生活、创造生活、享受生活;我们拥有生命,就会为生活的帆船航得更远走得更好而奋力划桨。感谢生活,我们不会为生活中的琐碎忧恼而耿耿于怀, 为世闻的烦躁浮华而心有余悸,生活的美丽永远是人生的主旋律,我们会在心底呼唤:感谢生活。本期主持:上海市复旦初级中学金导成
Thanks for living. The breeze, rain, and drink drove all the dust and wind, and the grass and woods returned to their old age. The fragrant flower brings us a warm consolation, and the bright sunshine gives us a lot of emotions... We always want to retain every touch of life, every emblem laugh, every detail, every day that makes it difficult for us to feel relieved. Keep your life in seconds. To enrich the life journey in the bag. Thanks for living. Keeping life bright has a rich and colorful life. With our lives, we have ample energy to work hard, create a life, and enjoy life. With our lives, we will strive to sail a better sailing for life. Thanks to life, we will not worry about the trivialities in our lives. We are overwhelmed by the annoyance of the world. The beauty of life is always the main theme of life. We will call upon our hearts to thank life. Host of this issue: Shanghai Fudan Junior High School Jin Dacheng