在价值2.0时代,流量、排名、用户数等,已经不能作为衡量互联网站价值的必要性指标其实我们如果放弃宣泄般歇斯底里的鼓吹,与恶意谋划的攻讦,Web2.0既不是立地飞仙的灵符,也不是随意泼洒的脏水。我们既不必有“八百年必有王者兴,舍我其谁”的自恋与虚狂,也不必如“骂人就说你很 Web2.0”这样的褊狭与恶毒。 Web2.0只是一种对互联网
In the era of value 2.0, traffic, rankings, number of users, etc. can no longer serve as an indicator of the necessity of measuring the value of Internet sites. In fact, if we abandon the pretext of venting into hysteria and attacking malicious programs, Web2.0 is neither a site nor a fair site Magic, nor is it a random spill of dirty water. Neither do we have to have the narcissism and foolishness of “Eight Kingdoms Must Have Honesty, Who Should Give Me Who,” nor do we have to be as obscene and vicious as the “curse that you are Web2.0.” Web 2.0 is just a kind of internet