How to Develop Communicative Competence in Junior English Teaching

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  【Abstract】 The communicative approach is such a teaching methodology that rises and develops in the latest 30 years. It’s overall accepted now and most language teachers regard it as a method that aims at developing language communicative competence. But how to develop and how to avoid the frustrations of a none-communicative conversation class are still the problems. This thesis focuses on the topic about communicative language teaching of English. I’ll discuss it from the following aspects: l) the factors influencing communicative competence; 2) stimulate the student’s communicative interest; 3) the cultivation of communicative competence.
  【Key words】 communicative competence interest cultivation drill encourage
  “Webster’s New world Dictionary offers several senses of the word “language”, namely, (a) human speaks; (b) the ability to communicative by this means; (c) a system of vocal sounds and combinations of such sounds to which meaning is attributed used for the expression or communication of thoughts and feelings; (d) the written representation of such a system”. That is to say, language is an important means of verbal communication. So in foreign language teaching, we should lay stress on the communicative functions of language to cultivate the learners’ communicative competence and regard communication as an important target of foreign language teaching.
  The conception of Communicative Competence is the ability to not only apply the grammatical rules of a language in order to form grammatically correct sentences but also to know when and where it uses these sentences and to whom.
  Thereby, we cultivate the student’s ability to communicate means to cultivate their systemic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Here, I’d like to talk about the factors influencing students’ communicative competence, how to stimulate student’s interest in learning English and how to cultivate their communicative competence.
  1. The factors that influence communicative competence
  a) Mother language has disturbed English learning, Chinese characters are pictograph, and have no impact on the target language. For junior students, they are often confused with the different ways of expressing between Chinese and English.
  b) The conflict between quality-oriented teachings requirements and examination-system requirements. According to the syllabus design, it requires that the students have the basic ability to listen, speak, read and write when they finish junior English, but the examination system less even doesn’t embody the require of the ability to the listen and speak. In order to get high mark, teachers neglect the cultivation of listening and speaking.   c) Another hindrance to communicative competence is the low ratio of teachers to student and a lack of qualified language teachers.
  2. To stimulate the students’ communicative interest
  Einstein said, “Interest is the best mother”. Interest is needed in English learning. Therefore, the teachers must focus on language form as well as on meaning. We have to take advantage of all situations in which real communication occurs naturally. We should enforce language-information stimulations to students and be more concerned with creating more suitable situations in which students can practice their communicative skills.
  a) Design warming-up exercise
  Well begin is half done. Good warming-up exercises can stimulate students’ interest. For example: quick responses, talking in pair, free talk, etc. Varied forms of warming-up exercises can arouse their interest and make them active in the class
  b) Encourage students properly
  The students need the teacher and classmates’ encouragement, which can arouse their interest and confidence in English learning.
  c) English songs
  To teach English songs is an artistic way and play a non-substitute role in practice. It’s like the flower blooming in class that attracts the learners’ attention and exerts an edifying influence in their soul. Singing English songs can release the learning pressure and promote the learning interest. Eabersley once said, “The way students love to learn is the best way to teach.”
  3. To Cultivate communicative competence
  3.1 Speech drill
  It is not the same as speech communication, but it’s the basis of it. Students’ communicative competence can be judged by what they’ve learnt. The way the students learn language knowledge is drilling, which can be mechanical, meaningful and communicative.
  3.2 Mechanical drill
  It is a simple drilling of language knowledge including sentence patterns, grammars and uses of words, which make the students not only understand but also learn language knowledge forms subconsciously. The basic drillings are bilingual ex-translation exercises in workbook, which focus on the uses of words and sentences in the text.
  3.3 Meaningful drill
  It is situation-based speech drills according to what the students have learnt before. And as it’s done above, the drills can be variable. For example, text-based workbook exercises. These exercises require the students to use correct English expression as well as cheek them the contents of the text. They are all meaningful drills.   3.4 Communicative drills
  They are based on the above two. That is, the students use the words or expressions in the text to express their own feelings connected to their own actual life.
  The goal of speech drill is to communicate. So we should shift speech drill to speech communication gradually.
  4. Conclusion
  Communicative teaching gives the teacher a role not only as the organizer of the activities, babysitters, but also as an instructor. This makes many teachers feel uncomfortable, but above all, with the idea we may influence our students some way. Teaching is of communication, by communication and for communication. We not only teach them the English language, but also help them to become more aware of the world of the language around them, and to better interact with that world. But to cultivate the students’ communicative competence is a long term program. And I believe Communicative Approach can play an important role in English teaching.
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【摘 要】 教师通过课文整体教学,使学生由总体到局部再到总体感知语言,培养学生获取信息和处理信息的能力,同时训练学生的阅读技巧,提升做题能力。  【关键词】 英语阅读 课文 整体感知  在英语学习中,学生们似乎总是满足懂得一些语法知识,熟记英语单词,而忽略了阅读的重要性,即使是在阅读中,也在使用找语法,查单词,完全忘记或者缺乏意识,不知道首先弄清课文的整体与局部的关系,概括性材料与细节性材料的关系
【摘 要】 新课程提出“教学的根本目的是促进每一个学生的发展”。构建合理、科学的初中英语教学评价体系,既能为实现英语课程目标提供重要保障,又能实施对教学全过程和结果的有效监控,促进英语教育教学质量的全面提高,还能启导教师在教学实践中积极探索和思考,促进英语课程的不断发展和完善。  【关键词】 即时性 因材施评 发现得失 随境语  构建合理、科学的初中英语教学评价体系,既能为实现英语课程目标提供重要
【摘 要】 在义务教育阶段开设英语课程对青少年的未来发展具有重要意义。学习英语不仅有利于他们更好地了解世界,学习先进的科学文化知识,增进他们与各国青少年的相互沟通和理解,还能为他们提供更多的接受教育和职业发展的机会。  【关键词】 农村初中 英语教学 英语课程标准 建议  教育均衡是建设和谐社会的重要条件,农村与城市的英语教学发展存在着严重的不平衡,这体现在教育主管部门、学校、及教师队伍建设等方面
【摘 要】 初中英语写作教学是英语教学中比较重要的一个阶段,因此,需要引起教师和学生的重视。文章通过分析当前初中英语教学中存在的一些问题,深入探讨了解决这些问题的相应对策。  【关键词】 初中英语 写作教学 方式 教学策略  初中英语写作是英语学习中提高综合能力的重要方式,教师在教学中需要充分重视英语写作的教学。但是目前初中英语写作教学中还存在着一些问题,教师应当针对这些存在的问题,提出相应的解决
【摘 要】 处于初中学习阶段的学生具有较强的形象思维,喜欢探索未知的奥秘。初中英语教学就可以运用初中学生的特点展开英语教学活动,以激发学生的英语学习潜能。本论文针对初中英语教学提出一些教学途径,以挖掘学生对于英语学习的潜在能力,提高初中英语教学水平。  【关键词】 初中英语 教学水平 英语潜能  在初中英语教学中,按照传统的教学模式,教师以完成教学任务为目标,采取了“灌输式”的方法向学生传授知识。
【摘 要】 高中英语课堂普遍存在学生参与度低、被动听讲的枯燥乏味现象,与新课标所提倡的教学理念相去甚远。如何打破这种沉闷的场面?“problem-solving”教学模式是一种效果很好的尝试。本文对此进行了分析研究。  【关键词】 “problem-solving”教学模式 高中英语 教学  1. “problem-solving”教学模式概述  “problem-solving”教学模式就是以学
【摘 要】 语境在初中的英语教学当中的主要应用是通过模拟现实的语言环境,通过创设英语教学过程当中的语境来实现的,这样能够更大地发掘出学生学习英语的潜能。而这种互动式的教育模式所提倡的师生积极的交流与合作,也是一种在教学的过程当中以师生间的合作与互动为主要的特征的教学方式。  【关键词】 初中英语教学 语境 重要性  所谓语境,简单来说就是在语言使用过程当中所处的整体环境。主要包括的环境要素为:文章
【摘 要】 近几年来,湖北省高考英语试题书面表达写作部分都以不给出具体事例,仅仅给出提示语的半开放形式来命题。本文从三个方面来探讨半开放性作文高分写作策略。  【关键词】 评分标准 半开放性作文 写作策略  半开放性作文能够更好地考查学生英语语言综合运用能力。除了自身的英语能力,有时候学生掌握了一些方法,会让他们在写作时做到事半而功倍。  1. 熟悉高考评分标准,定位自己的作文目标  不管高考写什