具有二百余年历史的菊苑奇葩——豫剧,经过无数前辈艺人的丰富与革新.其艺术精粹积淀至今,形成了以表演艺术家个人命名的几大流派,这些流派在竞争和融会中推动了豫剧的繁荣与发展。但这些流派的代表人物,是怎样在名角如云的梨园脱颖而出登上流派坛主宝座的,却颇引人探究。在旦角行当有陈(素真)、常(香玉)、崔(兰田)、马(金凤)、阎(立品) 五大艺术流派。陈素真和常香玉二位艺术大师.都对豫剧的发展做出了具有里程碑意义的开创性贡献。我从童
With more than two hundred years of history, Juyuan’s wonderful work, Henan Opera, has been enriched and innovated by innumerable forerunners, and its artistic essence has been accumulated up to now and has formed several schools named after performing artists. These schools have promoted competition and integration The Prosperity and Development of Opera in Henan Province. However, the representative of these schools is how to stand out on the throne of geniuses altar in the pearly celebrities, but rather attracted much attention. There are five art schools in Chenjian (Chen Zhen), Chang (Xiang Yu), Cui (Lan Tian), Ma (Jin Feng) and Yan (Li Pin). Both Chen Suzhen and Chang Xiang Yu, two masters of art, made groundbreaking contributions to the development of opera. I am from child