The Schur convexity or concavity problem of the Gini mean values S(a, b; x, y) with respect to (x, y) ∈ (0, ∞) × ......
In this paper, a new complete and simplified proof for the Husainov-Nikiforova Theorem is given. Then this theorem is ge......
In this paper, we embed the integral form of the quantum supergroup Uv(glm|n) to the product of a family of integral qua......
一个快 Cholesky 因式分解算法基于为 themp 的古典 Schur 算法 ?? 諜??...
【摘要】本文在Craig A.Tracy研究位移Schur測度的基础之上,从另一个角度看待SchurQ-函数,通过使用顶点算子这个独具特色的工具对其......
在 Schur 引理3种证明方法的基础上,给出了矩阵酉三角化的3种方法。...
Schur(1923)证明过:φ(x)=s1n-r(x)sr(x)-(n-2)n-r((?)sn(x)r=2,…,n-1。是R++n上x=(x1,x2,…,xn)的Schur-凹函数,其中sr(x)是x 的第r 个初等对称函数......
In the current article we propose a new efficient, reliable and breakdown-free algorithm for solving general opposite-bo......
This paper describes a method of calculating the Schur complement of a sparse positive definite matrix A. The main idea ......
The Estimates of Diagonally Dominant Degree and Eigenvalue Inclusion Regions for the Schur Complemen
The theory of Schur complement plays an important role in many fields such as matrix theory, control theory and computat......
The Estimates of Diagonally Dominant Degree and Eigenvalue Inclusion Regions for the Schur Complemen
The theory of Schur complement plays an important role in many fields such as matrix theory, control theory and computat......
本文首先给出正定自共轭矩阵和的 Schur余的一个不等式,进一步,获得了一些特征值不等式,改进了近期的一些结果.......
Necessary and sufficient conditions for a schur complement of a con-s-k-EP matrix to be con-s-k-EP are determined. Furth......
In the present paper we extend the method presented by 0. Axelsson and P. Vassilevski called AMLP version (i) of recursi......
Digital watermarking is one of the most powerful tools used in ownership and copyrights protection in digital media. Thi......
To achieve much efficient multimedia transmission over an error-prone wireless network, there are still some problem mus......
Adaptive Filter for High Dimensional Inverse Engineering Problems: From Theory to Practical Implemen
The inverse engineering problems approach is a discipline that is growing very rapidly. The inverse problems we consider......
<正>本文在文[1]的基础上对Schur空间进行了若干讨论,并得到了一些结果。 定义:设E是Banach空间,称E为Schur空间或称E具有Schur性......