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  语音:美式发音 适合泛听
  关键词:Wall Street, challenge, improving
  When these guys wanna 1)pull their hair out, Sarah Farneti is the only one who could put hers in a pony tail. In a room of 19 sports-loving men, she’s learned how to fit right in.
  Farneti: I have a great time, and I’ve learned a lot more about sports.
  That Sarah is the only one in her Wall Street 2)dugout is not unusual. In finance, the majority of women are administrative workers. The industry-supported 3)Center for Work-Life Policy says only 14% are executives. Karen Peetz is one of them.
  Reporter: It is known as a man’s world on Wall Street.
  Peetz: It is. It is.
  Reporter: Why do you think that is, and has that changed since you’ve been in the business?
  Peetz: Well, I think it is known for that, because there are mostly men at the top.
  In fact, not a single woman has ever been chief executive of a major financial institution.
  Aside from what may be a 4)glass ceiling, the long hours are also a challenge for most women. The average work week on Wall Street? 73 hours.
  Reporter: The time when women are really hitting their peak in their professional career, …
  Peetz: Right.
  Reporter:…when they should be doing that networking, …
  Peetz: Right.
  Reporter:…is also the same time they’re hitting their peak in their home life, …
  Peetz: Absolutely!
  Reporter:…and that’s something that’s a real…something that’s a 5)hurdle.
  Peetz: Absolutely, it’s a hurdle and I think what I counsel a lot of young women about is, “You’re just not gonna have that much time to yourself if you go kinda 6)whole hog into the job, and then as equally into the family, then what gives is a lot of your personal time.” And so, many women are willing to give that up, but some aren’t.
  A work-life 7)trade-off Morgan-Stanley Managing Director Carla Harris denies.
  Harris: It’s very important that you understand that this is a client business, and your marker should be when your client says “jump,” the answer is “how high?”, and you need to figure out how that works for you. But I in no way think that it is mutually exclusive, that in order to be successful in this business you can’t have an outside life, you can’t have a real family life, you can’t have a 8)philanthropic life. That again is a 9)perception that is not reality.
  Karen Peetz does believe attitudes about what women bring to Wall Street are improving, and hopes that that will lift their stock.
  Reporter: Some women who we’ve interviewed have told us that you…you have to be a better manager than the men because you can’t come off like the 10)queen bee, but you also can’t come off too soft, but you can’t, you know, I mean…
  Peetz: Absolutely! There’s a lot of…There’s absolutely a lot of kind of human interaction that is different, and often people say, “Well, you know, is it harder being a woman?” I think it’s actually easier, because you can use some of those personal skills. And you’re also memorable, because there aren’t that many of you, so people will remember and that’s OK.
  Reporter: True!
Joseph Cohen (Co-founder and CEO of Coursekit) : I was in Philadelphia at school and we decided we were gonna go and build this company full time, and…and leave school, and there was no question that
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