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  Q: I really want to go to Beijing to watch the Games! When can I get the tickets and how much are the tickets?
  A: The Beijing Olympic Games 1)schedule runs from August 8 to 24, 2008 and tickets are available for 2)purchase from the beginning of 2007. Part of the ticket 3)allocation is to be 4)reserved for competitors’ families, yet most of them are sold in China. You may buy tickets via the Internet or mobile phones. If you are outside of China, you can contact your local Olympic Committee, which is responsible for the ticket selling in your country. The ticket prices for the Beijing Olympic Games are lower than those for previous Games. They are 5)affordable for most people in the world.
  口语关键词:available(可得到的)/ purchase(购买)/ reserved(预订的)/ via(通过……途径)/ afford(买得起)
  Q: There will be many visitors to Beijing in 2008. Where can we stay during the Olympic Games?
  A: There are many good hotels and 6)hostels in Beijing. You can stay in good hotels such as Beijing Hotel, Hilton Hotel and Beijing New Century Hotel to enjoy a 7)luxurious holiday in ancient Beijing city. If you travel 8)on a budget, you may choose youth hostels, which are also clean, tidy and inexpensive. Since there will be many visitors to Beijing during the Olympic Games, it’s best to book a hotel well
  9)in advance.
  口语关键词:hotel(酒店)/ youth hostel(青年旅馆)/ budget(预算)/ inexpensive(便宜的)/ book(作动词,预订)

  Q: Can Chinese people speak English? Will there be English-speaking guides/volunteers available during the Olympic Games?
  A: Most of the students have been learning English since junior high school. They will be more than willing to help you if you have any problems. Moreover, many Beijing residents are learning English. English speaking guides and volunteers are also available to provide better service to our international visitors.
  口语关键词:bilingual(双语的)/ understand(明白)/ communicate (with sb.)(沟通)/ resident(居民)/ service(服务)
  Q: How about the public transportation in Beijing? How can I go to watch the Games?
  A: The transportation system has been greatly improved in recent years. People can take subway, bus, taxi and 10)light rail to Olympic Green and other 11)venues during the Olympic Games.
  口语关键词:traffic(交通)/ congestion(拥塞)/ subway(地铁)/ pedestrian overpass(人行天桥)/ Olympic Green(奥林匹克公园)/ venue(比赛地点)
  Q: As Chinese cuisine is not to my taste, are there any restaurants serving western food in Beijing?
  A: Yes. There are many kinds of restaurants in Beijing as it is a modern capital city. Restaurants offering food of Italian, Brazilian, French, Japanese and many other 12)cuisines can be found in Beijing. And you can’t miss McDonald’s and KFC.
  口语关键词:cuisine(菜肴)/ pub(酒吧)/ café(咖啡馆)/ snack(小食)/ broadband Internet(宽带互联网)/ soft drink(非酒精饮料)
  Q: I like the Olympic mascots very much. Where can I buy them?
  A: There are many 13)souvenirs available for the Beijing Olympics including pins and badges, clothing and 14)accessories, hats, bags, pens and 15)handicrafts, all with the Beijing Olympics symbol. You can buy them at every specialty store and many tourist attractions.
  口语关键词:souvenir(纪念品)/ pin(扣针)/ badge(徽章)/ brooch(胸针)/ handicraft(手工艺品)/ specialty store(专卖店)
  Test Answers
  1. The ancient Greeks. 古希腊人。
  2. Olympia, Greece. 希腊奥林匹亚。
  3. At the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angles. 1984年洛杉矶奥运会。
  4. Xu Haifeng. 许海峰。
  5. International Olympic Committee. 国际奥委会。
  6. “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. “更快、更高、更强”。
  7. 1924. 1924年。
  8. Technology (television and satellites, etc.).
  9. On July 15, 2001.2001年7月15日。
  10. Liu Peng. 刘鹏。
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