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  Scene 2: From the movie Bewitched
  Jack Wyatt & Isabel Bigelow 杰克•怀亚特 与 伊莎贝尔•毕格罗
  Jack: Isabel! Hey! Hey, Isabel! Wait, wait, wait, don’t go! Isabel! Please don’t go. Please don’t go. That①that was incredible.
  Isabel: What?
  Jack: Just now. That. I mean, you yelled at me. ②You were up-front, and honest... and you called me out on all my crap. It was just great. Oh,
  ③God, I’m hyperventilating.
  Isabel: ④I’ve never done anything like this. ⑤It was very hard, but secretly quite thrilling.
  Jack: Even my ex-wife, she never yelled. She just locked me out.
  Isabel: In my family, we usually just disappear.
  Jack: No, no, don’t disappear, Isabel. One more show. One more show.
  Isabel: I don’t think so.
  Jack: No, one more1)taping. Please? It’s just that I’m feeling that -I’m feeling like maybeI’m sorry.
  Isabel: What’d you say?
  Jack: ⑥I’m sorry for how I’ve been. I’m sorry.
  Isabel: You’re sweating again.
  Jack: I know, just.... I just - Look, one more.
  Isabel: I love it when you sweat.
  Jack: One more! Just one more. ⑦And the second I’m being a jerk, you can yell, Hey! ⑧He’s being a jerk!And we’ll shut the whole thing down, I promise. We’ll burn down the sets... and sell the 2)costumes, and give the money to little children. ⑨I mean, that’s one possible scenario.
  Isabel: You want me to say, “He’s being a jerk”
  Jack: Yeah. Or you can yell, I mean....
  Isabel: He’s being a jerk! He’s being a jerk!
  Jack: Yes.
  Isabel: I can’t just walk back in there now.
  Jack: Once you show up on a 3)golf cart, believe me, all is forgiven. I’ve done it a lot of times.
  Isabel: But I was fired. Oh, no. That’s right, I quit.
  Jack: Yeah. Here, let me carry your plant.
  Smart Sentences
  ① That was incredible. 真令人难以置信。
  Similar expressions:Unbelievable! / Incredible! / Amazing! / Extraordinary!
  ② You were up-front, and honestAnd you called me out on all my crap. 你讲出实话,把我的缺点全都说出来了。
  up-front: straightforward; frank(正直的, 坦率的)
  e.g. She is very up-front.(她十分直率。)
  to call somebody out: to bring something about a person to their attention(指出某人的某事)
  crap: shortcoming(缺点)
  ③ God, I’m hyperventilating. 天啊,我被你吓了一大跳。
  hyperventilate: breathe rapidly and deeply, usually due to fear, tiredness, or excitement.(由于害怕、劳累或兴奋而气喘吁吁)
  e.g. I always hyperventilate when I go for an injection.(每次打针我都怕得要命。)
  ④ I’ve never done anything like this. 我从来没这么做过。
  A: I’ve never done anything like this, I’m afraid that…(我从来没有做过这样的事,我担心…)
  B: Don’t worry, I’ll tell you what to do.(不用怕,我会告诉你怎么做的。)
  ⑤ It was very hard, but secretly quite thrilling. 感觉有点难受,不过心底里也很爽。
  secretly: behind someone’s back, the opposite of openly (暗地里地)
  e.g. The meetings were organized secretly.(那些会议都是暗地里组织的。)
  thrilling: 惊心动魄的,使人激动的
  e.g. thrilling news (令人兴奋的消息)
  ⑥ I’m sorry for how I’ve been. 我为我之前所做的向你道歉。
  A: I’m sorry for everything tonight. I’m sorry for how I’ve been. I love you.(我对今晚的一切表示抱歉。我为我之前所做的向你道歉。我爱你。)
  B: It’s OK, Beth. I know. We both know.(没关系,贝丝。我明白的。我们都明白的。)
  ⑦ And the second I’m being a jerk, you can yell…我如果再犯混,你就大声骂我…
  the second: the moment(那时候)
  e.g. The second he walked in, I knew something was wrong.(他一进来,我就知道出事了。)
  ⑧ He’s being a jerk! 他是个大烂人!
  jerk: a foolish, rude, contemptible person.(一个鲁莽的、粗鲁的,可鄙的人)
  e.g. He’s been a jerk on the whole matter.(整个事情当中,他就是一个混蛋。)
  ⑨ I mean, that’s one possible scenario. 我是说这是其中的一种可能。
  possible scenario: the way in which a situation may develop(可能出现的局面)
  e.g. Please imagine all possible scenarios and be prepared.(请想好各种可能出现的情况,并做好准备。)

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