
来源 :意林双语IDEAS | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:turobc
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  If you went to the end of the world, what would you expect to find? When I went, I found the Australian city of Adelaide.
  Was it a wild frontier1 town where settlers and kangaroos2 traded glances on dusty streets? Not at all! Sure, Adelaide is a remote city near the bottom of the globe. But, as it turns out, the place is full of culture, personality and style. The kangaroos are still around, but you’re more likely to see them on fancy restaurant menus than hopping down city streets.
  I spent my first day exploring downtown Adelaide. Parks surround the town center, giving the area a comfortable, laid-back atmosphere. Most of Adelaide’s enjoyable attractions are within walking distance of one another. So I went on foot. I walked past rows of unique restaurants where customers enjoyed their meals outside on the sunny sidewalks. The variety of food available in Adelaide amazed me! My camera certainly came in handy, too. The Europeans who settled Adelaide after the 1830s built some impressive old buildings. I couldn’t help but take photos of them.
  The next afternoon I headed for Glenelg Beach, Adelaide’s most popular seaside hangout. It was a sunny day, and most outdoor cafes on Jetty Road were packed. Between the boardwalk and the pier3 a street performer entertained some onlookers. I stared off over the ocean, and wondered how far it was to the South Pole. Then I wondered if I would have been brave enough to come all the way down here from Europe in the 1830s. Those first Australians must have missed their families and friends.
  Isolation seems to have shaped the Australian people in many positive ways. The Australians I met were outgoing and quick to share a laugh or a smile. The people of Adelaide have turned their city into a place of comfort. And they’ve spent the last few decades enjoying the good life.
  I savored4 the sunset at Glenelg and finished my bag of Australian-grown macadamia5 nuts bought from Adelaide’s excellent Central Market. Then I took the old 1929 Glenelg tram6 back to the city center.
  The next morning I walked to the nearby Adelaide Zoo. I figured I hadn’t seen Australia if I hadn’t yet seen some famous Australian animals. The koalas7 seemed to fit right in with the rest of Adelaide’s residents. Eating and relaxing were their main fortes. I also got to see some emus8, kangaroos and other native animals.
  Later I explored a few of Adelaide’s museums, housed in some of those impressive buildings from the 1800s. The Migration Museum is especially interesting. Exhibits there tell the story of the settlers who came to Australia over the years. Dozens of different ethnic groups, including Asian people, have immigrated to Australia. No wonder Adelaide has so many good Asian restaurants!
  My time in Adelaide seemed to wrap up too soon. I imagined coming back to see the many other nearby attractions I missed. The natural beauty of nearby Kangaroo Island. The famous Australian outback. I found that when you went off to explore the end of the world, the end of your trip always came too soon.

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