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  英国作家安东尼·霍洛维茨(Anthony Horowitz)是小特务故事的头号名家。他的这一系列作品,以少年英雄亚历克斯·赖德(Alex Rider)为主人公。和邦德一样,赖德也是英国军情六处(MI6)的在编间谍,只不过年纪小得多。他转战古巴、意大利和法国,与形形色色的特务组织和黑帮团伙展开一场场生死恶战。这一系列曾为霍洛维茨赢得了2003年的“红房子”(Red House)童书奖。《中华读书报》当时曾有专文报道。赖德系列的前五本书已卖出了200多万册。第六部《天使方舟》(Ark Angel)刚刚于上月上市。英国《出版新闻》杂志的童书编辑格雷厄姆·马克斯(Graham Marks)认为,霍洛维茨的小特务系列,对打破《哈利·波特》的霸权地位功不可没。“霍洛维茨是突破者之一,并真真切切地在市场上大获成功。”马克斯说,“当传言他要把笔下的小主人公写死的时候,引起一片哗然,家长们不断打来电话,诉说自己的孩子为此如何抓狂。”
  Alex Rider is giving it up. Being a teenage secret agent is just too dangerous. He wants his old life back. As he lies in the hospital bed recovering from a gunshot wound, he contemplates the end of his career with MI6, the British secret service. But then he saves the life of Paul Drevin, son of multibillionaire Nikolei Drevin, and once again he is pulled into service. This time his mission involves eco-terrorists, rockets to space, maniacal killers, and a less-than-idyllic1 tropical island. The action-filled plot develops quickly and keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The over-the-top characters, with their exaggerated quirks2 and personalities, work well in this James Bond-like novel. Detailed background, technical, and political information, essential for any spy story, is uncomplicated and easy for most readers to understand. Though there are some references to previous missions, this title can certainly stand alone.
  Excerpt 节选
  he nurse was twenty-three years old, blonde, and nervous. This was only her second week at St. Dominic’s, one of London’s most exclusive private hospitals. Rock stars and television celebrities came here, she had been told. There were also VIPs from abroad. VIPs here meant very important patients. Even famous people get sick, and the ones who wanted to recover in five-star comfort chose St. Dominic’s. The surgeons and therapists were world-class. The hospital food was so good that some patients had been known to pretend they were ill so that they could enjoy it for a while longer. That evening, the nurse was making her way down a wide, brightly lit corridor, carrying a tray of medicines. She was wearing a freshly laundered3 white dress. Her name—Diana Meacher —was printed on a badge pinned to her uniform. Several of the junior doctors had already placed bets on which of them would persuade her to go out with them first.
  She stopped in front of an open door. Room nine.
  “Hello,”she said£”I’m Diana Meacher.”
  “I’m looking forward to meeting you too,” the boy in room nine replied.
  Alex Rider was sitting up in bed, reading a French textbook that he should have been studying at school. He was wearing pajamas4 that had fallen open at the neck and the nurse could just make out the bandages crisscrossing5his chest. He was a very handsome boy, she thought. He had fair hair and serious brown eyes that looked as though they had seen too much. She knew that he was only fourteen, but he looked older. Pain had done that to him. Nurse Meacher had read his medical file and understood what he had been through.
  In truth, he should have been dead. Alex Rider had been hit by a bullet fired from a 22 rifle from a distance of almost 250 feet. The sniper had been aiming for his heart—and if the bullet had found its target, Alex would have had no chance of surviving. But nothing is certain—not even murder. A tiny movement had saved his life. As he had come out of MI6’s headquarters on Liverpool Street, he had stepped off the sidewalk, his right foot carrying his body down toward the level of the road. It was at that exact moment that the bullet had hit him, and instead of powering into his heart, it had entered his body half an inch higher, ricocheting6 off a rib and exiting horizontally under his left arm.

If you went to the end of the world, what would you expect to find? When I went, I found the Australian city of Adelaide.  Was it a wild frontier1 town where settlers and kangaroos2 traded glances on
能得到明星的亲笔签名,是每个追星族梦寐以求的事。可是如果能得到毕加索签名的作品,谁又不会怦然心动呢?     This is the 50th anniversary of the day I crossed paths with Pablo Picasso. It came about in a strange way. I had written a column showing how ab
“The last time we saw such a cate gorical loss was with the dinosaurs. And no one can say that didn’t change the planet.”  ——Joe Mendelson Zoo Atlanta  “我们最后一次提到灭绝的物种应该是‘恐龙’。没有人能肯定这不会给我们的星球带来一些意想不到的变故
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18岁的时候,你在做什么?是畅游于高考模拟题海?还是整日沉迷于变化万千的网络?  在美国密歇根州希尔斯代尔市,一名刚满18岁的高中生通过选举击败现任市长,成为一市的父母官……面对这样的事实,你一定会瞠目结舌吧?下面就跟我们一起走近这位“高中生市长”,来一睹他的风采!    Igrew up in a small town in Michigan called Hillsdale. One day
月是故乡明,还是他乡明呢?对于小作者来说,在异国他乡的新生活中感到最困难的就是如何对待文化的冲突了。这考验了她对最“原本的”文化的忠诚度。不过作为小移民,最重要的是不能孤立自己,要让周围的人都看到自己身上的闪光点,融入到新的生活中去。    “You’re Chinese, Mei-Ling, right? Don’t they eat dogs in China?Rachel asked exc
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继2003年票房炸弹《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠诅咒》之后,《加勒比海盗:亡者宝盒》再次占领上峰。片中约翰尼·德普扮演的杰克船长被土著居民捕获,接着被抬上了烧烤支架,将与水果及蔬菜一起被端上餐桌。尽管最后杰克船长侥幸生还,但该片对土著人食人的野蛮刻画还是令人乍舌……    Plot Summary  Once again thrown into the world of the supernatural,