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  “The last time we saw such a cate gorical loss was with the dinosaurs. And no one can say that didn’t change the planet.”
  ——Joe Mendelson Zoo Atlanta
  Scientists have known for decades that the world’s amphibian1 populations are in trouble. But the 2004 Global Amphibian Assessment, compiled by Conservation International and partners, held shocking news, and wormlike caecilians2 assessed, almost a third are threatened and 168 have become extinct, most in just the past 20 years. The top culprit3 implicated in the report, habitat loss, came as no surprise. But a lesser known offender, a recently identified disease caused by the chytrid fungus4, is proving to be the most efficient killer of all.
  The fungus, which invades the animals’skins and disrupts their water balance, is running wild in the Americas and parts of Australia.
  “Within four months most of the 64 species of frogs here were infected or gone,” says Southern Illinois University’s Karen Lips of her long-term research site in central Panama. “Species we’d rarely even seen were falling out of trees, building up from the ground, dying from fungal disease,”she says. “It’s unheard of.”
  In an unprecedented move scientists from Zoo Atlanta are now racing ahead of the disease and capturing as many animals as they can to save them from extinction. “We need to put healthy frogs into zoos and other facilities while we wait this out,” says Zoo Atlanta’s Joe Mendelson. At Lip’s Panama site, he says, “You can look down the spine of the mountain and know nothing in that line has hope. It’s very sobering to make a list of what to rescue and what to leave behind, but that’s all we can do.”As frogs sit in refuges, scientists will seek ways to boost their immunities or neutralize the pathogen5 in the wild so the animals can be released.
  No one knows the origin of the fungus, why it causes disease in only some species, or how to control it. Studies outside the Western Hemisphere and Australia are few, but six continents are now known to house the pathogen.”Traditional conservation tactics like habitat protection are irrelevant here,”says Mendelson.”We need entirely new thinking, or we’ll lose amphibians.”

  几十年来,科学家们已经了解到世界上的两栖类家族将要面临很大的麻烦。但是,2004年“全球两栖动物评估协会”发布了一条令人震惊的消息:几乎有三分之一的无足目两栖动物受到威胁, 其中168种濒临灭绝,而这些活生生的小东西20多年前还衣食无忧。“罪魁祸首”在报导中一目了然——“栖息地的流失”,这似乎已经不足为奇了。但是还有一个不为人知的“凶手”——是一种最近已被确定了的由壶菌传染的病毒。这无疑成了所有动物中最可怕的杀手。
  一种空前绝后的力量促使亚特兰大动物园的科学家们着手攻克这种疾病,并尽自己最大的力量将更多的动物从死亡线上拉回来。“我们有必要在等待结果的时候把这些健康的青蛙送进动物园,或者给它们提供一些必要的设施,”亚特兰大动物园的乔·门德尔松说。在巴拿马的丽普研究站,他说:“你可以俯视这里的山脊,那时你就会明白在那里不会有任何生存的希望。我们要十分明确现在应该拯救什么,留下什么,所有的这一切我们都可以做到。”青蛙一旦拥有了自己的避难所, 科学家们也就可以寻找更多的方式去提高它们的免疫力或者抑制病原体在自然界的疯狂传播,只有这样,动物才会被释放出来。
  左岸 摘译自 National Geography
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