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  Ted: Hi, Noke! It’s good to see you again.
  Noke: Yes, it’s been a while. Hey, you’ve gotten bigger since the last time I’ve seen you.
  Ted: Yeah. After I come home from work I’m too tired to move. And I don’t have any place to work out1 any way.
  Noke: Have you thought about joining a health club?
  Ted: I have. But they are expensive. Also, I have friends who go and seem like all they ever do is work out. I just don’t have the time.
  Noke: I’m a member at Spa Fitness and you’d be surprised at how inexpensive a year membership is. True, there are a few body-building fanatics down there, but most of the members are “normal” people who work out for about an hour just three times a week.
  Ted: Sounds reasonable. I mean, you look skinny2 enough.
  Noke: Well, to tell you the truth, I haven’t always been this lean3. Most people have a misconception with exercise. The funny thing is, once you start on a regular exercise program, you start feeling better immediately.
  Ted: Is that right? I read that Americans are getting fatter. In fact, the average American teen is 10-20 pounds heavier today than in 1980. I’m amazed at how many fat teenage girls I see.
  Noke: That’s because of lifestyle changes. Since the 1980s, more people are becoming couch potatoes. Watching too much TV and eating too much junk food4 and fast food.
  Ted: Isn’t that the truth? My kids must watch at least 2 hours of TV every night. Speaking of TV, my favorite show is on tonight.
  Noke: What is it?
  Ted: It’s a cop show.
  Noke: Hey, I’m just heading to my spa right now, why don’t you join me?
  Ted: I’m so fat that I’d feel self-conscious5around all those beautiful people.
  Noke:Health clubs aren’t just for beautiful people. Actually the majority of the members are trying to lose weight like you. It’s really motivating to work out with people who have the same goals as you do. So will you join me for a workout? I can get you in free tonight with a guest pass.
  Ted: Why not? I’ve got nothing to lose.
  Noke: Nothing but a few pounds.

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