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  Igrew up in a small town in Michigan called Hillsdale. One day in 2003, when I was 15, my dad came home from his job as a supervisor for a local auto-parts factory where he’d worked for 26 years.”Our company’s moving to Mexico,”he said sadly to my mom, my sister and me, “I was laid off.” We were stunned—how could he be fired from a job he’d been so devoted to? Money was tight as dad went back to school. We had a hard time buying what we needed—no more dinners out or family vacations. Two long years later, dad finally got a job as a medical assistant.
  In September 2005, after senior year started, I was reading an article in the local paper about Hillsdale’s upcoming city elections. The mayor at the time, Doung Ingles, was running unopposed, but a lot of Hillsdale residents didn’t like him. Local companies were continuing to move out of town and lay people off, and the mayor wasn’t giving them incentives1 to stay. Basically more and more families were going through the same bad things my family had just recovered from—and Hillsdale was losing its tax-paying residents since people had to move to look for work.
  I know it sounds crazy, but out of nowhere I thought, why don’t run for mayor? I knew Hillsdale could be more prosperous, like it used to be. I mean, it used to be a great place to work and live—there had to be a way to keep companies here.
  I didn’t have any political experience, but I was 18 and eligible2 to run—and I figured I had the positive energy that people would love. So on October 8, I drove to city hall, and went right up to the deputy city clerk and told her,”I want to run for mayor.”Once I had the forms, I decided it was time to tell my parents and friends.”You’re kidding!”my mom said, laughing—she didn’t believe me at all. But after I convinced her I really wanted to change things in Hillsdale, she encouraged me to go for it.
  I created signs and flyers3 with the money I’d saved from my summer job, and posted them all over town. Then I scheduled my first speech at a popular record store—I talked to 20 people about the loss of jobs in Hillsdale. Next I spoke with local firefighters and told them I’d commit to hiring more staff to help them. Finally I began knocking on doors every day after school, introducing myself. “I’d like your vote for mayor,”I’d say immediately. When they’d ask me why, I’d explain that I really cared about Hillsdale and that I could truly relate to their issues.
  When I got out of school on Election Day, November 8, I was too nervous to do anything except drive around town waiting for the polls to close. I really wanted to win, but I thought there would be no way I’d beat an adult. Still, around 8:30 p.m., my family turned on the TV to see the results. None of the local stations mentioned the race—but then a reporter called.”I just spoke to an election official,”he said.”You won!”All I could think was, I can’t believe it.

  Being mayor is like having a part-time job: Every day after school I meet with city officers and business owners. Right now I’m in listening mode—like, the police chief just asked for more funding—so I can figure out how to help. I’ll be mayor for four years, so in the fall I’ll go to a college nearby. And someday I’ll probably run for another office. After all, anything is possible!
  我在密歇根州一个叫希尔斯代尔的地方长大。2003年,我只有15岁。一天,我的爸爸——他在当地一家汽车公司做了26年管理员——下班回到家后,忧心地告诉妈妈、姐姐还有我 :“我们的公司要迁往墨西哥。我被解雇了。”听到这个消息,我们一下子懵了,难道爸爸真的被解雇了?他可是在那份工作上倾注了毕生的心血啊!从爸爸回到学校的那一刻起,我们家就变得捉襟见肘起来。在那一段艰难的日子里,我们甚至连自己所需要的东西都支付不起——我们既不能去餐馆吃饭,也不能全家外出旅行。在这漫长的两年之后,爸爸终于找到了一份工作——医药助理员。
  我没有任何政治经验,但是我已经18岁了,而且也符合竞选的条件——我坚信自己一定会受欢迎、人们一定会支持我。于是,10月8号那天,我驱车前往市礼堂,径直走向城市代理的秘书那里并告诉她说 :“我要竞选市长。”我一拿到申请表格,便做了一个决定:告诉我的父母和朋友。“你一定是在开玩笑!”妈妈听到后一边笑一边说道——她根本不相信我。但是当我告诉她我真的想要改变希尔斯代尔的现状时,妈妈便鼓励我努力去争取,为我加油。
  成为市长就好似我有了一份兼职工作 :每天放学后我都要接见很多市政官员和一些商店业主。忽而,我又得扮演一个聆听者的角色——比如说,警署长官要申请更多的资金等等——这样我就能够确定该如何解决这些问题。这一届市长我要做4年,所以秋天我要进入附近的一所大学继续学业。也许有一天我又会竞选其他的公职。毕竟,万事皆有可能。
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