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  My sister was watching me sym pa thet i cal ly as I burst into tears for what an noyed me. Hold ing my hand firmly in hers, she sat by my side with out uttering a word.
  Willingly or not, I had been her sister for 13 years since I was 7 years old. Due to her arrival, I then child ish ly thought that I was thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frus tra tion and self-pity. Once a lovely girl, I felt con demned by this fate to becoming a desolate1 burden---- all the adults around complimented the newly-born, charming crea ture while ne glect ing my presence.
  A cloud of jealousy hung over my once peaceful heart. I muddled through each day by sharing all I had previously had enjoyed alone. And all I had to cling to was to hit her and shout at her on our parents”back.
  My sister was so scared of me that each time when she was left alone with me, I could notice her trembling---- and that pleased me even for years. But, I also knew that she re spect ed me from the bottom of her heart---- though I nev er ad mit ted that until that day when I par tic i pat ed the examination. My par ents as well as my sister all came to bolster morale for me outside the school gate. I passed the line that separated the examinees and the supporters, and walked on nearly 100 meters, I suddenly heard my sister’s voice:
  “Your pen-box! Sister, you forget your pen-box!”
  Turning back, I saw my sister’s little body rushing past the security guards all the way towards me.
  When she run up to me, what she heard was my sneer, "Pen-box are not allowed. I’ve picked out the pens.”
  Then she answered breathlessly, “Oh...” daring not to look into my eyes.
  Seeing my sister walk out with a dis ap point ing back, I suddenly realized that she was always waiting for an opportunity to do some thing for me.
  Later, when I went to university in California, I tast ed the ache of loneliness. Furthermore, two shocks in quick suc ces sion allowed me to learn that my sister’s really means a great deal to me.
  The first thing was that, as Mother told me, after my leaving, my sister in sist ed on not mov ing any of my things. She even put my towel be sides hers. She said, whenever she entered the bathroom, that would remind her of my smiles, my jokes, my being a patient listener.
  Then came the second shock: I could not remember when I gave her a smile, when I ever told her jokes. As for "a patient listener” all that came to my mind was that my sister kept telling some trivial2 incidents in her school day, but I put none of them into my heart, only minding my own business. Yet as long as I felt sad, it was my sister who would sit by my side, watching over me.
  Then I had to accept that, as the time went by, my sister had grown up much more independent, being able to manage many things all by herself. But still she followed me step by step, imitated whatever I did, convinced3each of her class mates that I was the best sister in the world. I knew that she tried her best to let me know that: she loved me.
  Now I once again complained in her arms, asking for her comfort. Thinking of the past 13 years with a sister, tears of happiness poured down my cheeks. I had always felt my sister’s presence. I was lucky, so lucky, for my parents had given me a gift more precious than doting on me; a gift that helps me know what love is and how to treasure it.
  She is the angel in my house.

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