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  Kofi Annan's Remarks on the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize Award
  I believe as we listened to the 1)Citation we also realized the challenge, the challenge thrown to us by the Nobel Committee. And I am sure we will rise up to the challenge.
  When I was 2)reappointed Secretary-General, one of our colleagues, Ibrahima Fall, was traveling through Africa, and he met an old man, an old man he didn’t know and the old man said to him, I have a message for the Secretary-General tell him we are happy that he is reappointed but he must take time to celebrate his 3)achievements and successes to be able to focus on challenges ahead. In effect, it is the same message we are getting from the Nobel Committee, that there are challenges ahead. We have had some successes and failures, and they expect us to work hard and meet those challenges. This is an 4)indispensable organization, but an organization that can only work because of the staff and their contribution and your 5)dedication.
  Our staff are often on the 6)frontlines. (In)注1 the past week alone we have lost about ten colleagues, in Georgia and in Afghanistan. And yet our staff 7)keep at it. We are prepared to go to any corner of the world in (the) service of peace and the work of the United Nations.
  Today that work has been recognized. We have won the Nobel Prize, and I think it is 8)a shot in the arm that is really deserved and needed.[And]注2 I hope it will 9)urge us forward and encourage all of us to 10)tackle our tasks with even greater determination. [And] I know as we press forward, we can count on the cooperation, the support and the encouragement of our Member States, because the UN is them, and the UN is us. [And] I am sure that together, we will meet the challenges ahead.
  I said this morning to the press that the world is a 11)messy place, and unfortunately the messier it gets, the more work we have to do. And so to wake up to a morning like this, a morning of 12)recognition, a morning of encouragement for all of us, is something that we should cherish. But we should cherish this in a sense of deciding to even try harder.
  So, my good friends, let me say congratulations to all of you. Let me say that if (the) UN has achieved anything it is because of the work that you do, and your dedication, and we look forward to many more years of that kind of service. And who knows, if you keep at it, maybe some of you will see another Nobel Peace Prize.
  If you are going to get that next Nobel Peace Prize, I think we’d better go back to work. Thank you very much!

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