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  The Virgin King: Sir Richard Branson
   Whatever he may be doing at any moment, Richard Branson is 1)cutting a figure.
  You’ve seen it. There’s the 2)grin, the 3)leonine head of hair that even at age 56 gives him the appearance of always 4)plowing through the wind like a man on the 5)prow of some very sweet ship. He’s short, but people say you don’t notice it because he never stands in one place long enough for the necessary comparisons. He’s one of those fearless, 6)twinkling guys you hear about who’s always certain that the next thing — the very next — well, that will be something else, that’ll be the best. Everything about him seems7)propelled. That figure he cuts is anything but 8)irrelevant. The more you look, the more you realize it might be the most important of several important things about him.
  Not that Branson’s body of work isn’t admirable. Beginning with a student newspaper at age 17 and a record label in his mid-20s, Branson has built the Virgin Group into an international 9)conglomerate of some 350 companies, many of them still tiny but all of them combining for more than $8 billion a year in sales. We know, of course, about Virgin’s music businesses and 10)transcontinental airline. Most of us have also glimpsed 11)newscasts about Virgin Galactic, Branson’s 12)bid to take paying customers into space.
  But how many of us know about Virgin’s 13)limousine companies and wine business and trains, and its enterprises that rent bikes, make 14)cosmetics, operate 15)bridal shops, run health clubs, sell holidays, offer balloon flights, and market 16)lingerie?
  “I want Virgin to be as well known around the world as Coca-Cola.”
  This is a comment that too many observers have used to sum Branson up. And yet, Coca-Cola has never opened a business to fly passengers to the moon. Nor has it expanded into online auto sales. Or railroad operations. Or any of a hundred other things Branson’s 17)appetite has led him to undertake.
  But back to that figure the man cuts, because in the end it’s not the 18)ambitious branding 19)ploy or even the ambitious appetite that attracts us to Branson and 20)braces us, and offers us 21)inspiration. It’s something about the figure itself, the way it is not just 22)sensible and 23)straightforward but 24)steadfastly 25)alert and delighted and fun.
  When is Branson working? When is he not? It all appears so 26)seamless and so 27)authentically pleasing. Unlike many of our most 28)vaunted and imitated 29)entrepreneurs, Branson forever strikes one as not 30)compulsive or haunted or even, strangely enough, 31)driven — though no one ever questions his drive. No, instead he just keeps looking like he’s on the prow of that sweet boat, grinning because he knows a secret, happy because he doesn’t know exactly what’s next but is absolutely sure that it won’t be dull and will quite possibly be a good deal better even than that.

  ◆ “I always have tried to make sure I work from an environment that’s pleasant and fun. If the chairman’s having fun, it’s easier for everyone else.”
  ◆“here is a very, very thin dividing line between survival and failure. You’re just got to fight and fight and fight and fight to survive.”
  ◆ “Ideally, since 80% of your life is spent working, you should start your business around something that is a passion of yours.

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