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  Announcer: The Loch Ness myth of a massive wild beast living in the Scottish lake was sparked by the first sighting in 1933. But now with eyewitness accounts and tourist numbers down, it seems the legend might have lost its attraction.
  Reporter: Loch Ness; and all is calm. Too calm. With only two reported sightings of the monster all year, there’s worry interest in “Nessie” is waning[呈病态].
  Steve Felton is desperate[不顾一切的] to spot[发现] the monster. He’s been living in this caravan[可供居住的拖车]for 16 years without even a whiff[些微的气味等] of a sighting. He thinks tourists no longer want to believe.
  Steve: They’ve been told to be keptical[好怀疑的], and so they’re finding mundane[平凡的] explanations for what could be unexplained phenomena that they see.
  Reporter: Maybe the monster’s dead, bored, or has quit town, but there are still visitors who try and catch a glimpse[一瞥]. (to visitors) What do you recommend[建议]? Does it exist?
  Woman A: No, I don’t think so.
  Reporter: What do you think?
  Woman B: It could, but we haven’t found it yet, and I don’t really care. (laughing)
  Reporter: Here’s a man who says he did spot Nessie, when he was a teenager.
  Man: I was too far away to distinguish[辨别] shapes. They’re just best described as objects, really. But it’s nice to think that they might have been humps[驼峰], you know.
  Reporter: Have you seen Nessie?
  Woman C: No, we haven’t seen it or him, whatever.
  Others: Her, her, her…(laughing)
  Reporter: Tourism here generates[产生] six million pounds a year. Visitors used to be fascinated by the sightings, hoaxes[恶作剧] and monster-hunters. Adrian Shine has searched below the surface and on top. He says today’s tourists want to know about other aspects[方面] of the Loch.
  Adrian: There’s more water in Loch Ness than in the whole of England and Wales put together. You could put every human being on earth into Loch Ness three times over. You could put the Telecom Tower注 into Loch Ness and lose it. There’s certainly room for some mysteries. It’s not Jurassic[侏罗纪] Park, but there’s a lot more going on here than meets the eye.
  Reporter: But there will always be some of us who are prepared to watch, wait, and, maybe, believe.
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