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  When you arrived, what was your room like? Gwynedd Mercy College has recently replaced its dorms with bigger rooms. However, when I arrived and stayed in the old “smaller” dormitories1 they seemed very nice. Compared with my college in Japan, the rooms were a little wider and they had a big closet, which gave me all the storage space I needed. There was also a simple bunk bed made out of wood, which was nice. When you first arrive, your room can seem a little bare, however with a few posters and personal touches it can soon become quite homely2.
   What are the facilities3 like? They are very good. You have everything that you could possibly need to make your time here comfortable. Each dormitory has a lounge4 area with a TV and sofa. This is a place to chat with dormitory students and to make friends. There is also a small kitchen area with a microwave for snacks5 and the bathrooms have a bath as well as showers on offer. All these facilities, as well as your food from the canteen6, are included in the price so you are not paying any extra electricity bills. The housekeeper cleans these facilities every day, however, it is up to you how tidy you keep your room.
   If you have any problems or any questions about your room, whom do you ask? First of all, I will talk with RA (Residence Assistant). The RA is in charge of the floor. Usually three or four times per semester, the RA will have a “floor meeting” where you can bring up any complaints and discuss them. It is the job of the RA to help you solve any problems. If the problem is personal, like with a roommate, then I will definitely talk to the RA first.
   However, if they can’t help me then they will usually recommend that I have a talk with the Director of Residence Life who oversees all problems for students on campus. No matter what your problem there is always someone there to help. So, don’t be afraid to ask!
   What are the main advantages of living on campus? This answer may change from person to person. Some people may say it helps them save money, it’s convenient, it’s a protected environment. For me, as well as these, there are three main advantages of living on campus.
   1. Time: If I want to take a nap I can easily go back to my room and sleep. I can also sleep ten minutes before my class while as if I lived off-campus I would have to commute7 and have to get up a lot earlier.
   2.Exchange (class information): If I am absent at my class I can ask my classmates who live in my dormitory for any work that I may have missed. Also ifthere is a test coming up we can exchange information and revise together.
   3. Friends: The dormitories are so friendly, I find it really easy to make friends.
   What are the main disadvantages of living on campus? It really depends on what sorts of things you like. Sometimes it can be very noisy until midnight and also there can be a lack of privacy. I share a room and this can be the case for many students. If you want to have some time on your own without your roommate then it can be hard.

   1. 时间上:如果我想小憩一会儿,我很方便就能回到宿舍睡上一觉。我可以睡到课前十分钟。可如果我住在校外,我就不得不乘车,这样就得起早一些。
   2. 交流(课堂信息)上:如果我没有去上课,我可以向同宿舍的同学请教缺席的课程。同样,如果快考试了,我们可以交换信息并一起复习。
   3. 朋友方面:室友都非常友好,我觉得交朋友真的很容易。
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