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  The Composer Who Never Grew Up
  The Composer Who Never Grew Up
  For pianists and lovers of piano music, it is impossible to escape an acquaintance with the works of Frederick Chopin, who was perhaps the greatest composer of piano music during the Romantic Era of the 19th Century. What could almost be compared with his well-known music, however, is his final lover, George Sand注1, who was as famous for her love affairs as for her novels. In fact, her fictions made her, in the history of French literature, probably second only to Victor Hugo注2.
  The relationship with Chopin is the last great emotional turning point in George Sand’s life. Chopin was the greatest 1)genius who ever loved her. It is rather strange that he loved her. She had known him for two years, and had not seriously thought of him. Then at last she once more met Chopin, when he was in a state of 2)melancholy, because a Polish girl had proved unfaithful to him.
  Sand found him at a piano, 3)improvising a 4)lamentation. She stood beside him, listening. When he finished and looked up at her, their eyes met. She bent down without a word and kissed him on the lips. This kiss attached her to Chopin for eight years.
  It was Sand who stage-managed the concert at the Salle Pleyel注3 about which her “little Chip-Chipworried so much. Chopin, in fact, disliked grand concert halls. His 5)delicate piano technique was better suited to 6)intimate salon performances. But his fear of appearing before a crowd of strangers has 7)psychological reasons too, suggesting the childlike insecurity which remained with him all his life. Chopin appeared to have had a 8)shaky sense of self. At the time of his early death in 1849, he was already a myth: the “an-ngelicartist, the heroic Polish 9)patriot, the 10)doomed lover. But of the thousands who crowded into ParisChurch of the Madeleine for his 11)magnificent 12)funeral, few, if any, really knew him.
  Chopin’s life was 13)dominated by the 14)exile’s sense of 15)alienation. His adulthood was spent in France, far from his native Poland, but even as a child he must have felt like an outsider as the son of a struggling, self-made French immigrant who had risen above his peasant origins to become a language teacher. Chopin’s musical promise showed early, and by the age of eight he was named as a “second Mozart.” How to grow up is always a problem for the child 16)prodigy, and Chopin, it seems, never quite managed it.
  It is hard not to conclude that the most significant relationship of Chopin’s life, with the older, more experienced George Sand, was in some ways 17)infantilizing. He was unable to resist her 18)overwhelming personality because it answered his neediness. She 19)took the reins and managed his life, creating the circumstances in which he could work and dealing with his failing health.
  Liszt注4 once said that Chopin gave everything but himself. One feels this may have been because, in the end, he had little selfto give. What comes over most obviously from most biographies on Chopin is a weird sense of 20)disjunction between the 21)profundity of Chopin’s music and the comparative 22)shallowness of his character. He was emotionally dependent on others, yet his fragile 23)ego 24)barricaded by his pride.
  His music, however, is so powerfully rooted in the tradition of Bach and Mozart that it found a voice that seemed surprisingly new and original to its audience, so intimate that listeners felt it was speaking to the hidden depths of their souls. For alongside its instantly recognizable style, Chopin’s music has an ability to reflect each listener’s own emotions. If the loss and longing we read into his music 25)derive more from its technique than from its composer’s depth of soul, so what? To us, what is more important is that his music remains fresh and 26)untarnished by the hands of time.

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