It’s never too late to learn the piano

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  Abstract:In recent years, adults learning piano had become a great mass fervor. The majorities of adults learning pianos belong to hobbies, which were different with general children piano education. Therefore, the particularity of adult piano education must be attached importance to.
  Key word:music;piano education of adult
  With the continuous improvement of people’s living standard, people begin to pursue the quality and style of amateur cultural life. At the same time, it turns into a great mass fervor for adults to learn piano as well. Then how to enhance advantage and avoid disadvantage and improve the efficiency of learning piano by adults? Through summarizing self teaching experiences, the following issues should be paid attention to.
  Develop a good habit of according with staff strictly.
  Music score is a kind of measure for expressing emotion and shaping music image by composers. Music notes and various notations written down by composers are the basis for recreation by performers. Musical compositions would not be performed well without good music literacy habits. Adults need to pay special attention to two points in the issue of reading music. Firstly, do not ignore or omit rest, otherwise it would change the original creation of music and make music loose the original aesthetic perception. Secondly, pay attention to fingering marked on the musical notation. These fingerings were formulated by composers or predecessors scientifically and with basis. Good fingerings are in conformity with natural physiological conditions and can play phrases smoothly.
  Pay attention to fundamental technical training.
  Adults contact piano very late, so faults that are difficult to overcome have formed. Thus training on basic skills can not be omitted. It is of great importance to study and master the correct key touching by fingers, and strengthen five finger exercises. Therefore, scientific and normative playing method must be adhered to and strictly studied at the initial learning stage.
  Improve the efficiency of piano practicing
  Adults are different with children as they have busy work and household duties, and their piano practicing time is limited. So mastering efficient piano practicing is of necessity. Brains and ears should be used more often, and fingers should be controlled by brain, while not relying on the inertia of finger movement or having finger movement subconsciously by feeling the position of finger movement. One segment should be practiced again each day, while not playing the whole song each time. Separate practicing by left hand and right hand should be insisted, then practice with two hands together. Moreover, each musical notation played should be well distinguished by ear while using brain. Ears are the best teachers, which can point out your insufficiencies and improve your identification ability.
  All in all, the fostering of good habits and unremitting efforts would achieve the effect of getting twofold results with half the effort for learners.
摘 要:学习是一个复杂的过程,从新课程三维目标的要求来看,我们的高中英语教学应该关注于学生的情感,是学生的个体心理活动为教学的基础,在认知和情智的摩擦碰撞过程中实现知、情的提升,实现教学的高效发展。  关键词:情感;高中英语;自主探究;有效  “没有一个行为模式不含有情感因素作为动机”,对于高中英语学习而言,学生的学习情感至关重要,直接决定着学生学习的积极性、课堂参与度和学习的效果。学生是教学的主
摘 要: 当前,小学英语教学越来越受到重视,但小学英语阅读教学却没有得到足够的重视,一线教师对阅读教学感到茫然,小学生英语阅读能力弱,缺乏阅读方法及主动学习英语的能力,本文试图分析当前阅读教学存在的问题,运用各种方法进行阅读训练,提高小学生的阅读能力。  关键词:小学;英语;阅读;教学  一、解读《英语新课程标准》  《英语新课程标准》对于小学高年级学生“读”的能力明确标明:1、能认读所学词语;2
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摘 要:翻译就是把用一种语言表达的信息准确通畅地转换成另一种语言的活动或行为。高中英语教学越来越关注学生翻译能力的提高和素质的培养,开设高中英语知识拓展类“初级翻译”校本课程切实可行。英汉两种语言在句子结构方面存在着很多差异,如果能熟悉这种差异,同时也能了解中西方文化等诸多特点,这样译出来的内容才会通顺流畅,符合汉语的行文习惯。因此,要让学生“准确”、“通畅”地翻译英文,英语教师应从句子结构、文化
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摘 要:本文通过对目前英语应试教学现状的分析,笔者认为,应从思想上重视英语的读、说、背,呼唤背诵教学法的回归,以自己亲身实践证明:运用背诵教学法,可以挖掘学生的英语潜能;可以让学生在英语学习中充满自信;学生良好的口语能力的培养,大大提高了就业的竞争力。  关键词:背诵教学法;英语教学;口语;回归  在新时期,中国以崭新的形象向全世界开放,为了与国际接轨,作为国际通用语的英语引起中国人的高度重视。因
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