Using Situational Teaching Method in the Primary School English Teaching

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  abstract:Situational teaching plays an important role for improving students` learning enthusiasm, stimulating students` English-learning interests and cultivating students` practical ability to use language. In the process of English teaching, according to teaching materials, combined with the practical life, teachers create a suitable English-speaking environment as far as possible, carry out teaching and learning activities in the context. Situational teaching can develop students` abilities to listening, speaking, reading comprehensive and writing, also can conducive to train students` language sense and self-learning capabilities.
  key words:situational teaching;English;teachers;students` interest
  In China, English is taught as the second language in most of the primary schools. By means of listening, speaking, reading and writing, we teachers must enable students to have basic knowledge of English and communication ability for the initial use of the English language, help them develop good study habits, in order to lay a good foundation for further study. I think we need to create situation in the English teaching, implement the spirit of the outline earnestly, and enable students to achieve the purpose of verbal communication, but also it`s one of the effective way to change the traditional language teaching to knowledge cultivation.
  In this paper, I want to talk about the importance of this method. I will give some situational teaching models which I have done in my class teaching.
  一、The importance of situational teaching method.
  (一) Situational teaching can mobilize the enthusiasm of the students and stimulate students` interests
  In the situational teaching,through the students and teachers, students and students` exchange activities, teachers can lead life scenarios, such as shopping, asking for directions, seeing a doctor into the classroom, shortening the distance between the reality and teaching, and also satisfy the curiosity of students, active, enable students to truly appreciate the practicality of the knowledge of foreign languages.
  (二) Situational teaching can cultivate students` capabilities in listening, speaking, reading comprehension.
  In the process of situational teaching, the creation of a more closed-life scenarios, before the activities, the event will be informed to students, so that they can have a destination to collect and read materials which are related to the situation, it can improve their reading ability. In the scene to carry out activities, because of the preparation of information, communication activities will be more rich and colorful ,students are daring to speak.   (三)Situational teaching is helpful to students` language sense.
  Teachers take full advantage of the limited time in the class to carry out a variety of more realistic teaching, so as to make students have the opportunity to apply what we learned to the language knowledge, through teachers and students`, the students` a lot of activities, gradually, develop the habit of students` study and the opportunity of thinking in English. Thus, the situational communication activities contribute to the formation of the subconscious sense of language and improvement.
  (四) Situational teaching is conducive to students` ability to self-study.
  Situational teaching can embody the “student-centered” teaching requirement. Students is not only the main bodies of language drilling, but also in a simulated or actual communicative occasions, students’ imagination and creative thinking have a free space to develop, students can express their feelings and insights in English freely.
  The creation of the scene is a very important aspect in the English teaching, which directly affect the effectiveness of English teaching. A language can only be understood and expressed in certain situations. As an anthropologist said: “If there is no language situation, words will have no meaning, can not mean anything. Therefore, the discourse can produce significance only in the situational context.” The words, sentences and paragraphs come from the scene, but also can not be divorced from the scene.
  二、The practical application of situational teaching method.
  (一) Role play by imitating, citing scene.
  In this way, teachers should seize the students` lively, active psychology and physiological characteristics, ask students to play the role of text characters and words in the article as often as possible, and set different scenes for the presentation, so that students in the course of performing the conversation performances, review what they learnt
  (二) Creating the ideological context, so that students can experience success in the process of thinking .
  The design of situation should be suitable for students, the level should be more abundant, so that students of different abilities can obtain success. For example, Go for it Unit one Section A 6a, display the landmarks of our own city to the students at the same time, can ask students the question, how can I get to Muslim Street from Bell Tower? Guide students to imagine, inspire students to use English to express their thoughts and train students` thinking capacity, and then go back to the subject “talking the different ways to get to there”, “Talk about the children the best way to get there” lays the foundation training for the next part of listening.   (三) Create the problem situation.
  Teachers ask the students the issue of stimulating, creating suspense.
  (四) Taught to sing English songs, the forming the relaxing learning atmosphere.
  Select some simple English songs, the rhythm is simple, catchy, music, couples with the unique charm of the ability of students` understanding, easy for students to learn English. Each class began, I have arranged for some beautiful English songs, to sing and dance with the students, this series of “warm-up exercise” have students exposure unwittingly to a relaxing, enjoyable learning atmosphere.
  三、 Situational teaching in class.
  In my teaching, I like to make my English class interesting and vivid. I’ve worked for thirteent years. I taught hundreds of students. They like me, also my teaching method .They often say “How quickly the English class goes”. I regard these words as my praise. I could give fours models to show how I use the situational teaching method in my class.
  First, the nouns teaching. In PEP English. There are about 800 new words in the whole vocabulary. When I teach fruit, I use some real things. They are apple, orange, peach, pear, grape, strawberry and watermelon.
  Second, short paragraph teaching .The next paragraph is from PEP English 6B Unit 2. There is an easy short passage about comments. And it is writing in a letter. Before the class, I set the situation that the housekeeper got the comments. And the housekeeper retold the comments to the manager in a letter.How could the manager deal with it? When the students finish the task, they know he must take the role of the manager, to think of the hotel and comfort the customers.I ask the students to finish a letter of apology.So that the whole teaching procedure is about letter. Students may get familiar with the literary form.
  Third, the dialogue teaching. The next dialogue is from PEP English 6A .Unit 1 .The title is How can I get there?
  A :Excuse me .Where’s the cinema?
  B :It’s next to the bookstore .
  A :How can I get there?
  B :Turn right at the first crossing. It’s on your left.
  Before this class, I prepare some signs and choose some students to hold the note. Everyone can be A. The other one is the policeman or policewoman. The room between the two rows are imagined to be the blocks. Also in the classroom, there are turning and crossing. I ask the students to look for the person or guess who he /she is. For example, I say: How can I get to the bank?Students may say: Walk along... I think this is deeper than just learn how to recite the dialogue. Especially, The phrase “on the left ” , “take the second turning on the right .” But when we move the “real” situation into our classroom, it gets easy.   Fourth, a play teaching .The next is from PEP English for 6B Unit 2 .
  Last weekend ( A PLAY )
  The manager: May I help you?
  Wu Yifan: Yes, Our stay at the hotel was not good.
  The manager: May I know what is wrong?
  Wu Yifan: The table was not stable that we couldn’t have dinner well at the table. And the door of the wardrobe was broken, so we couldn’t close it. we found some bread crumbs on the floor. And it left a bad taste in my mouths.
  Yifan’s mum:There was no hot water.I couldn’t take a shower.
  Yifan’s dad: The speed of network was too slow.I couldn’t sent the email.
  The manager: I’m sorry to hear that. First,we will replace the old with some new furniture. Then, we will make sure the room will be clean. Next, we must be sure the hot water supply in 24 hours. Finally, we will overhaul all the electronic devices in each room.I hope you can come back to our hotel and enjoy yourselves next holiday. I promise you will have a good stay next time.
  Before the class, I get some clothes. They fit for a manager, a child, a father and a mother. Then we act out the play. The students learn in the role play. I think the best way to teach the play is to let the students take part in. When they do, they remember.
  There are so many models in my daily teaching. I think to be a teacher is a hard work because you can’t stop learning and trying out the new teaching ideas and methods.
  Reference documents:
  [1] American Federation of Teachers .Back to School Classroom Management Study Guide .
  [2] Junior English for China Students Books 1 Students Book 2. Students Book 3 .
  [3] 中華人民共和国教育部制定,英语课程标准(实验稿)[R]北京师范学出版社 2001
  [4] 施良方 《学习论》 人教出版社
  [5]王文静 《社会建构主义研究》、《全球教育展望》
  [6]何广铿 《英语教学法基础》 暨南大学出版社
  [7]王新如 《心理学》
摘要:随着素质教育与新课改的不断推行,趣味性化学实验教学方式受到了人们的广泛关注。该种教学模式能够呈现出学生的主体地位,加强其对知识点的理解,提高其创造力与思维能力。本文主要叙述了初中化学教学中趣味化学实验的有效应用策略。  关键词:初中化学教学;趣味化学实验;有效应用策略  初中化学是一门基础性学科,受到了教师的重视。在传统教学模式的影响之下,教师处于课堂的核心地位,教学质量与效率亟待提高,抑制
摘要:将核心素养作为重要导向,能够展现出初中物理教学的真正内涵。我们需要不断革新教学手段,创建出多样化的教学情境。本文主要敘述了核心素养理念下初中物理教学的有效策略分析。  关键词:核心素养理念;初中物理教学;有效策略  物理学科知识与生活实际息息相关,需要将核心素养作为重要依据,积极开展物理教学活动,培养学生良好的学习习惯,促使学生实现综合发展,推进教学活动的高效开展。  一、初中物理核心素养的
摘要:数学课程的学习有助于拓展学生的逻辑思维,完善大脑发育,对于小学生的学习和发展发挥着重要作用,但是小学阶段学生不管是理解能力还是逻辑思维能力都尚未发育成熟,对于抽象化的数学概念无法做到透彻理解。所以,小学数学教学应当突破传统固化教学方式的束缚,尽可能迎合现代社会发展的需求,教师可以通过生活情境,引导学生对数学知识产生学习兴趣,帮助学生拓展逻辑思维能力。  关键词:小学数学;生活化;实践探索  
摘要:生活化的地理教学,使所学内容亲切、形象,便于理解运用,是提高课堂有效性的有效手段。本文主要探究中学地理教学生活化的实践策略、实践时注意事项和面临的问题等内容。  关键词:中学地理;生活化;教学实践  一、初中地理教学生活化的实施策略  (一)教学素材生活化。湘教版的地理教材和教参是专业化、体系化的,并且由于它的理论性和知识性较强,会造成学生在接受知识时产生一定的困难甚至厌惧感。同时,教材只是
摘要:信息技术是一门实用性和实践性非常强的学科,在教学方法和策略上区别于其他学科,这就需要教师把握学科特点,针对学生实际,灵活采用多样化教学方法和策略,从而优化教学,实现教学目标。新时代信息技术如何满足学生成长需求,符合社会对人才的要求,笔者结合实际提出了下述几点教学建议,以期能为教育教学事业作出贡献。  关键词:初中信息技术;多元评价;教学效率;策略  信息技术教学对学生创造性思维、信息素养的发
摘要:随着信息化技术的不断发展,其也被广泛的应用在学科教学当中。将信息技术和学科教学有效结合在一起,可使教学资得以丰富,课堂教学更加直观和形象,有利于课堂结构的优化以及学生学习效率提升,鉴于此,本文探讨了信息技术和学科教学的融合途径,希望能够能够为相关教学人员带来一定的借鉴意义。  关键词:信息技术;学科教学;有效融合  随着新课改的不断推行,学科教学的目的不再只是让学生单纯掌握课堂知识,而是要引
一、 教学管理,意识先行  时间对于每个人都是公平的,但是用同样的时间所产生的学习效果,对不同的人来说却往往相差很大。作为老师,我们的职责就是有效地管理教学时间,并引导学生高效合理利用自己可支配的时间,最终达成既定目标。因此,我认为我们老师首先应该具备时间管理意识或者说统筹意识,如何把各种任务进行有效分解并真正地落实,这是我们可能需要多思考的问题。  二、 制定清晰的目标  哈佛大学曾做过一个非常
摘要:数学教育不是简单的算数,其本质是上是思辨性很强的学科,对逻辑思维能力要求很高,小学数学根据学生的年龄阶段,从基础着手,注重基础教育、概念记忆等,学生只有在小学阶段打好基础,才能在未来的数学之路上越走越远。如今,国家提倡新课程改革,重视素质教育,提倡教学有效性,本文针对小学数学的有效性构建进行探讨。  关键词:小学数学;有效性;数学教学  一、小学数学有效教学的建构  (一)培养学生自主学习能
摘要:数学是学生学习过程中重要的课程,通过学习数学知识可以培养学生的数学思维,使得学生可以通过数学思维解决实际生活中的问题,那么采用何种教学方式提高学生的学习成绩以及培养学生的数学思维,一直是数学老师都在思考的问题,合作学习在小学数学教学中具有一定的教学优势,本文将围绕合作学习模式在小学数学教学中的应用探讨为话题进行探讨。  关键词:合作学习;小学数学;合作意识  前言  数学是一门基础性的学科,