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  由马特·达蒙(Matt Damon)和本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)共编共演的奥斯卡最佳原创剧本的《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting),令他们两人一夜成名。然而他们都说,是他令他们爱上了戏剧并决定投身演艺事业。这两位实力派的好莱坞演员,均师承同一位戏剧恩师——格里·斯配卡(Gerry Speca)。
  Q: When you began teaching, what were your goals? How did those goals change over time?
  Gerry: I graduated from college in 1969, and so, you know, everything history says about that is wrong, except for there was this notion that one could in fact change the world, that there were other ways to live other than what had been commonly accepted. And so that kind of fit in. It was just like, “This is a really cool thing to do, that you can take people’s dreams and you can provide them with encouragement, and you can, in fact, begin them on that path to realizing the things they dream for themselves.” I think as I started to work in the field of education, those are all valuable and 2)lofty goals, but I think what I learned was there were some smaller, narrower objectives that had to be achieved first – that you had to, for example, it’s one of those 3)buzz words that I hate, but I’ll use, that you had to “empower” people. You had to create the notion in somebody’s head that anything they thought was possible, was in fact possible if they marshaled their resources to 4)bring it about. It’s like, what kind of person are you going to be? How are you gonna treat your next-door neighbor? How are you gonna execute whatever work it is you’re gonna do, whether you’re gonna be a mechanic or a college professor? There’s a way in which you can conduct yourself in those enterprises that benefits all of us and 5)virtually changes the way we look at the world.
  Q: Those are lofty goals. How can you achieve them in a drama class?
  Gerry: First of all, I think you can achieve those ends through any 6)discipline, because I think the lessons are learned in the process rather than the content. If you look at drama, and if you look at, say, language and literature, well, first of all, we all share the language in common, so first of all it’s the way in which we communicate. So if I’m an English teacher, what I’m doing is I’m enhancing your ability to communicate to your fellow human being, or at least your fellow American English-speaking human being and that’s the beginning of any kind of language study for English-speaking people. Drama is just…theater; my feeling is everybody should take theater, 7)period, 8)hands down. Because, what it does is, it speaks to the whole person. And I used to say to them a simple thing, you know: you’re gonna step out on stage performing a 9)theatrical piece that you’ve worked on for six weeks. You’re gonna perform it for 1,200 strangers, you know, people who don’t know you, and the only thing they’re gonna know about you at the end of 40 minutes is what this work says about you. So what kind of 10)state-ment do you wanna make? Who do you wanna be to these strangers, which is the life question, isn’t it?
  Gerry: I’ll claim this credit: If they come to you and say, “Man, my high school drama experience was so good. It enlightened me, it made me...” I’ll 11)take credit for that. I will accept that as a statement of my value as a teacher, ’cause that’s what I set out to do. I set out to give them some skills, I set out to give them some confidence, or to help them – not to give them, I didn’t 12)confer anything on them – I set out to help them achieve that dream. They wanted the confidence; they wanted to know that they could hang in Hollywood if they went. So, what’s the 13)parting shot that you say to a senior that you care about deeply? You know, you say, “Hey, you want this dream? You can have it. You can do this, and here’s why. Here’s what you know how to do. Here’s where your energy is.” And so Ben Affleck has told people that that was the moment that 14)solidified the whole thing for him. He says it changed his life. I hope that’s true, because it makes me feel great. I tend to think there were some other things that that played into his continuing to do what he did, but that’s a perfect teacher’s moment.



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