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  完全摒弃 stereotype 并非一件易事,也绝非一蹴而就就可以实现。我们需要兼容并包的胸怀,开朗豁达的性格,以及自我反省的态度。这样我们就可以利用各种机会增加自己认识世界的视角,从而更加接近事物的本质。
  I arrived back in 1)Pahar Ganj at 3 pm, six hours after I’d left to go to the jail that morning. The street was already 2)crammed with traffic and so I abandoned my 3)rickshaw and walked back to the hotel. Cars, trucks, rickshaws, 4)mopeds and animals weaved in every conceivable direction to the effect that I had to walk like a 5)puppet on strings; 6)jerking, twisting and hopping my way in an overall forwards direction.

  Smoke, sweat and 7)stench 8)deluged the air and made it seem as though I was walking underwater. As a Westerner, you’re an automatic target on this street, and no one ever gives up on selling you anything. Even when they’ve seen you walk down the street 1000 times before. Often it’s only to 9)wind the foreigner up and get a reaction. If it’s a man they’ll try to sell him something; if a woman then they’ll 10)smack their lips and say “Hey, baby, you like good time?” Just like in the movies.
  Friends of mine, who first journeyed to the East the ’60s, told me that we were often 11)held in high regard by the Indians. Like Buddha, we’d left behind our lives of luxury in 12)the First World to come to India in search of truth. They called us “13)maharaja”, great king. However, after years of seeing us crazy, 14)stoned and lost, they eventually saw us for what we were. The “Real Westerners” they saw on TV drove sports cars and lounged by swimming pools. With our cheap clothes, 15)hashish habits and 16)­dreadlocks, we were clearly the unwanted scum of our own societies.
  Despise, envy or just laugh at us, the ­Indians certainly don’t understand us. One day I was chatting to a shopkeeper on Pahar Ganj, when an ­Israeli girl walked past with her friend, chatting to him in 17)Hebrew. The shopkeeper shook his head 18)ruefully.
  “She is a bad woman.”
  “How do you know that?”
  “I have seen her with three different men.” He told me sternly, as though that said everything.
  “Well, where did you see them?”
  “In the street!” He 19)puffed.
  I tried in vain to explain that for Westerners, for a woman to be seen in the street with someone didn’t mean she was necessarily sleeping with him. He listened politely, but the look in his eyes suggested that he considered me rather naïve.
  When someone first goes to India, they usually have all kinds of notions about “talking with the people” and “­immersing in another culture” and so on. All but the most 20)sanguine quickly understands that they will never integrate with Indian society. No matter how good their 21)Hindi gets or what religious vows they take they will always be aliens from outer non-India. In India you are whom you were born as. You cannot become a Hindu, and no amount of eating raw green chilies will change that.

  But in the end, even though Pahar Ganj was hell, I hung out there for my time in 22)Delhi, as I could at least find conversation with other Westerners, who could relate to where I was coming from. Hell, I might even get some Israeli girl to walk in the street with me.
  Having already spent a couple of years in India, I could easily recognize the tourists, and what kind of trips people were on. There were bearded ­Italians who thought they were holy men; there were lost, skinny 23)hippies in search of ­enlightenment, or a 24)guru, or perhaps just clothes that would actually fit them; there were tourists in jeeps, coming back from the Taj Mahal 25)shell-shocked; 26)techno warriors in 27)fluorescent 28)garb; plus other tra-velers and 29)freaks, who couldn’t be as free elsewhere, as they were in India.
  The longer you stay in India, the more you see, and it’s kind of sad, because it’s better not to perceive some things. The more you understand, the less magical it all seems. Explanations give 30)texture and depth, but they steal away the awe. As such, it’s easy to recognize the newly arrived. They wander around in a nervous state of wonder and 31)appre-hension. The locals see them coming from a mile away, and they pay three times the price for everything for the first few days, which is all they can do to stay afloat in this sea of chaos, noise, and curious brown faces.

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爱,  可以改变一切。  微笑,  就可以看见幸福。  十一岁的少年摩摩,被父母抛弃,只能用自己的方式“长大”,直到伊博罕先生出现,彻底改变了他的人生。伊博罕先生是摩摩家楼下的杂货店老板,他跟摩摩谈心,带他去旅行,去认识世界,一点点柔软了摩摩的怨恨,让他学会了爱与宽恕,了解了生命的意义。  故事简单却深刻,淡雅而温暖,充满了爱与智慧,但愿所有的孩子在迷茫的成长期都能遇到这样一位长者,在他的指引下行
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