研究 了负载型 Pt 催化 剂上肉 桂醛加氢 反应 规律 ,并 对 Sn 的 修饰 作用 进 行了 考 察. 未修饰催化 剂 Pt/ Al2 O3 上,主要 以 C C 加 氢 为主 ; 加入 少 量 Sn 修饰 剂, 肉 桂 醛加 氢 活性 大 幅 度提高,而且 C O 加 氢选择 性有所提 高. 当 Sn/ Pt 摩尔 比 大于 08 后,虽 然 C O 加氢 选择 性 仍较高,但加 氢活性明 显降低 . Sn/ Pt 摩尔比为 1 的催 化 剂上 ,肉 桂醛 转化 率 高于 96 % 时, 肉桂 醇 选择性可高达 80 % . 结 合 X R D 与化学吸 附等 表征 结果 ,表 明 电子 因素 和 立体 因素 的 综合 作用 是 影响肉桂醛 加氢选 择性的主 要因素
The hydrogenation reaction of cinnamaldehyde on supported Pt catalyst was studied, and the modification of Sn was also investigated. On the unmodified Pt / Al 2 O 3 catalyst, hydrogenation of C C was the major one. With a small amount of Sn modifier, the hydrogenation activity of cinnamaldehyde increased greatly, and the selectivity of C O hydrogenation increased. When Sn / Pt molar ratio is greater than 08, although hydrogenation selectivity of C O is still high, hydrogenation activity is obviously decreased. On catalysts with a Sn / Pt molar ratio of 1, cinnamyl alcohol selectivity can be as high as 80% at cinnamaldehyde conversions above 96%. Combined with XRD and chemical adsorption characterization results show that the combined effect of electronic factors and three-dimensional factors are the main factors that affect the cinnamic aldehyde hydrogenation selectivity