可能是因为很想试一试自己到底具 不具备另一种能力,但是决定自己到底要 不要成为生意人,当时着实在心里挣扎了 好久。 一件质地看上去很一般的衬衫,可能 是因为天气太热的缘故,浆洗得平整的袖 子被卷到肘部;一条灯芯绒的裤子;一双擦 得铮亮的皮鞋;一个诺基亚8850的手机放 在上衣兜里;两手空空连一个手包都没 有;说起话来语调低缓。初见赵松青,很难 将他与“款爷”联系在一起。不过,在说 到生意时,虽然语调始终保持着低缓,可 眼神中却不时闪现出一种机敏与睿智。 我以前还真没有想过会作生意,我这 人比较喜欢琢磨事情,比较好静,而且特 别不擅长与人交往。
Probably because I really wanted to try out what I did not have in my life, but I decided to become a businessman or not, and I was really struggling for a long time. A shirt that looks very normal in texture may be due to the hot weather, the smooth-sleeved sleeves rolled up to the elbows, a pair of corduroy pants, a pair of polished leather shoes, a Nokia 8850 phone In his pocket; hands empty with a handbag are not; First saw Zhao Songqing, it is difficult to associate him with “section of the Lord.” However, when it comes to business, although the tone has always been low, but from time to time in the eyes of a flash of wit and wisdom. I really did not think before going to business, I am more like people think about things, more quiet, and especially not good at dealing with people.