A Model to Predict Stall Inception of Transonic Axial Flow Fan/Compressors

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cslxml
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A stall inception model for transonic fan/compressors is presented in this paper. It can be shown that under some assumptions the solution of unsteady flow field consists of pressure wave which propagates upstream or downstream, vortex wave and entropy wave convected with the mean flow speed. By further using the mode-matching technique and applying the conservation law and conditions reflecting the loss characteristics of a compressor in the inlet and outlet of the rotor or stator blade rows, a group of homogeneous equations can be obtained from which the stability equation can be derived. Based on the analysis of the unsteady phenomenon caused by casing treatments, the function of casing treatments has been modeled by a wall impedance condition which has been included in the stability model through the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the system. Besides, the effect of shock waves in cascade channel on the stability prediction is also considered in the stall inception model. Finally, some numerical analysis and experimental investigation are also conducted with emphasis on the mutual comparison. A stall inception model for transonic fan / compressors is presented in this paper. It can be shown that under some assumptions the solution of unsteady flow field consists of pressure wave which propagates upstream or downstream, vortex wave and entropy wave convected with the mean flow speed . Further further by the mode-matching technique and applying the conservation law and conditions reflecting the loss characteristics of a compressor in the inlet and outlet of the rotor or stator blade rows, a group of homogeneous equations can be obtained from which the stability equation can be derived. Based on the analysis of the unsteady phenomenon caused by casing treatments, the function of casing treatments has been modeled by a wall impedance condition which has been included in the stability model through the eigenvalues ​​and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the system. Besides, the effect of shock waves in cascade channel on the stability prediction is also considered in the stall incept Finally, some numerical analysis and experimental investigation are also conducted with emphasis on the mutual comparison.
在黑板上画了一个角,我让同学们测出它的度数。孩子们挥舞着量角器跃跃欲试。  “不可以用它。”我指着大家手中的量角器说。一句话,像刺破了一个气体丰盈的球,它瞬间瘪了。  “那怎么测呀?”同学们都沉了下去,眉头拧成了一朵朵小菊花。  我,不提示,不启发,不引导,不示范。只立在一旁。  时间过了五分钟,这五分钟里充满了唉声叹气,但我也能听见,有思想闪烁思维跳跃的声音。  终于,梅站了起来。  “老师,您
严慈相济,这不仅是父母对子女教育的需要,也是班主任对班级管理的需要,常言道“树不修剪不成形、人不管教不成才”。怎样做到严慈相济,要从“严”字入手,用爱来疏导。 Yan C