【摘 要】
It is a widely discussed question that where the web latency comes from. In this paper, we propose a novel chunk-level latency dependence model to give a better
【机 构】
Antai School of Manegment,School of Information Security Eng. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.,Shanghai 20003
【出 处】
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
It is a widely discussed question that where the web latency comes from. In this paper, we propose a novel chunk-level latency dependence model to give a better illustration of the web latency. Based on the fact that web content is delivered in chunk sequence, and clients care more about whole page retrieval latency, this paper carries out a detailed study on how the chunk sequence and relations affect the web retrieval latency. A series of thorough experiments are also conducted and data analysis are also made. The result is useful for further study on how to reduce the web latency.
It is a widely discussed question that where the web latency comes from.. In this paper, we propose a novel chunk-level latency dependence model to give a better illustration of the web latency. Based on the fact that web content is delivered in chunk sequence , and clients care more about whole page retrieval latency, this paper carried out a detailed study on how the chunk sequence and relations affect the web retrieval latency. A series of thorough experiments are also conducted and data analysis are also made. for further study on how to reduce the web latency.
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