刘祚昌等同志主编的《世界史·近代史》(上)打破按时间先后把世界近代史分成上、下两期的传统框框,采用在上册重点写欧洲和美洲历史的方法,将这部分内容分十二章详加陈述。本书是经过作者辛勤的劳动,在研究了大量的史料和吸收国内外新成果的基础上写出来的,内容比较充实,文字比较简练。对一些问题的论述有独到见解,是本书的特色之一。 作者对十九世纪前半期的英国宪章运动的分析十分精辟。列宁曾经说过,宪章运动是“世界上第一次广泛的、真正群众性的、政治性的无产阶级运动”。本书作者对宪章运动的历史意义有比较充分的认识,
History of World History and Modern History (edited by Liu Kui-chang) and other comrades break the tradition of dividing the modern world history into the next two periods according to time. By adopting the method of writing the history of Europe and the Americas in the first volume, this part is divided into two parts Twelve chapters detail statements. This book is written by the author after his hard work, studying a large amount of historical materials and absorbing new achievements both at home and abroad. The book is full of content and concise text. Some of the issues discussed have unique insights, is one of the characteristics of this book. The author’s analysis of the British charter movement in the first half of the nineteenth century was brilliant. Lenin once said that the Charter movement is “the first extensive, genuinely mass and political proletarian movement in the world.” The author of this book has a relatively full understanding of the historic significance of the Charter Movement,