滑雪是美国文化的组成部分,也是深入到美国千家万户的一种常见娱乐休闲项目。独自站立在高山速降雪道的起点,望着面前直冲而下的雪坡,把雪杖使劲扎在地上。这种爽快的感觉,不可错过。作为冬季项目运动大国,美国拥有众多顶级滑雪场,每一个滑雪场都有自己特别之处,让我们一探究竟。犹他州:壮丽的冬季探险犹他州山区度假村:“地球上最壮观的雪”’Greatest Snow on Earth,是再好不过的了。每年有13米(500英寸)以上最轻最干旱的雪花飘落在犹他的山区,实质保证您的冬季假期有丰富的雪带来滑雪的
Skiing is an integral part of American culture and a common entertainment and leisure project that goes deep into every household in the United States. Stand alone at the beginning of the high speed snowfall, looking down into the snow slope in front of straight down, the snow stick hard tie to the ground. This refreshing feeling, can not be missed. As a sporting winter project, the United States has a number of top ski resorts, each ski resort has its own special features, let us find out. Utah: Magnificent Winter Expedition Utah Mountain Resort: “Greatest Snow on Earth, the most spectacular snow on Earth,” is a perfect match. Every year, the lightest and driest arid snowflake above 13 meters (500 inches) falls in the mountains of Utah, and you are guaranteed plenty of snow for the winter holidays.