新修订的国家《城市规划编制办法》 4月1日起施行《城市规划编制办法》于2005年10月28日经建设部第76次常务会议讨论通过,并将于 2006年4月1日起施行。《办法》指出,编制城市规划,对涉及城市发展长期保障的资源利用和环境保护、区域协调发展、风景名胜资源管理、自然与文化遗产保护、公共安全和公众利益等方面的内容,应当确定为必须严格执行的强制性内容。同时,应当以
The newly revised “Methodology of Urban Planning” took effect on April 1 The “Methodology of Urban Planning” was discussed and approved by the 76th executive meeting of the Ministry of Construction on October 28, 2005 and will be held on April 1, 2006 Execution. The Measures state that the compilation of urban planning should include the following aspects: resources utilization and environmental protection, long-term protection of urban development, coordinated regional development, management of scenic spots and resources, protection of natural and cultural heritage, public safety and public interests, etc. Must be strictly enforced mandatory content. At the same time, should be