花生是一种重要经济作物。近年在陕北试种,是一种很有发展前途的农作物。据1985年统计、播种面积已达十三万亩,按计划将扩种到二十万亩以上。 花生系豆科植物,其施肥增产效果不同于禾本科作物,且受品种、土壤、气候与栽培技术的影响较大。为了探讨在这一地区的黄绵土上花生增产的施肥措施,特于1985年春开展了此项研究,现将初步试
Peanut is an important cash crop. In recent years, planting in northern Shaanxi, is a promising development of crops. According to the statistics of 1985, the sown area has reached 130,000 mu and will be expanded to over 200,000 mu according to the plan. Peanut legumes, its fertilization yield effect is different from gramineous crops, and by species, soil, climate and cultivation techniques. In order to explore the fertilization of peanut in the loessial soil in this area, this study was carried out in the spring of 1985,