In the 1930s, due to the flaws of the women’s liberation movement, Chiang Kai-shek’s “Retro” movement and the social dilemma of traditional thinking such as “the woman’s occupation was married” and “the return of women’s family” , The Chinese women’s liberation movement is in recession. And it was at this moment that Leilai Wen was the chief editor of Free Talks, a supplement to the “Shen Bao” newspaper. He selected a large number of essays on women’s liberation and publicized the concept of advanced women to promote the liberation of Chinese women. The article attempts to interpret literary works related to the women’s liberation movement published by “Freedom Talks” in the period of Lehrend, and discuss the efforts and contributions made by “Freedom Talks” as literary publications to the liberation of modern women in light of the current situation of women’s liberation in China.