In 1984, China New Building Materials Company introduced two sets of straw board production lines from Britain, which were installed and put into operation in Yingkou and Panjin, which are rich in rice in Liaoning Province. The quality of the finished straw board is important, and the veneer is an important link. Whether the strength and quality of the veneer can be guaranteed depends critically on the choice of adhesive properties and quality and effective modulation. The plastic CBU powder introduced with straw board production line equipment is of good performance and quality, but if it is used for a long time, it needs a lot of foreign exchange. Domestic urea-formaldehyde resins used for wood gluing, such as copying onto the straw slate surface, are almost scrap. The veneer board veneer process conditions require that the adhesive must be able to quickly cure at a certain temperature for a short period of time to ensure the continuity of production. In this case, we carried out the straw board veneering