怎样在历史课中贯彻新教育方针?这是一个急待解决的问题。最近我们进行了一次教育实习,通过实习,我们找到了一些有益的回答。现在把它写在下面,和同志们商讨。 (一)要以新教育方针作为教学指导思想。党中央、毛主席所提的教育方针,是“使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展,成为有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者”。要贯彻这个新教育方针,教师首先就得把它作为自己的教学指导思想,树立全面负责观点,管教管导,教书教人,做到教育为政治服务,与劳动密切结合。不如此,教学就一定脱离政治、脱离生产、脱离实际,培养出来的学生也就不可能是祖国所需要的有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者。能够做到这一点,对我们来说,并不是一件简
How to carry out the new education policy in the history class? This is an urgent problem to be solved. We recently conducted an educational internship, through internships, we found some useful answers. Write it down now and discuss with the comrades. (A) to take the new education policy as a teaching guideline. The education policy put forward by the Central Party Committee and Chairman Mao is to “enable educated persons to develop in all aspects of moral education, intellectual education and sports and become cultural workers with socialist consciousness.” To implement this new education policy, teachers should first of all have to regard it as their teaching guiding ideology, establish a comprehensive and responsible viewpoint, discipline and guide, teach and teach people, and make education serve for politics and work closely with them. In this case, teaching must be out of politics, out of production and out of touch with reality. It is also impossible for trained students to be socialist workers with cultural qualifications needed by the motherland. To be able to do this is not for us a simple one