制作一只完整的鳞翅目昆虫标本不是件容易的事。在采集制作的诸多步骤中,若稍不注意,就会弄损鳞翅。这不仅破坏了标本的观赏价值,更重要的是降低了科学价值。怎样保持鳞翅目昆虫翅的完整呢? 1.标本在放入毒瓶前先用力捏一下昆虫翅基部的肌肉。这样可避免因昆虫扑动而损坏翅。2.蝶蛾不要与其他昆虫混放在一个毒瓶里,否则容易引起因相互碰撞而擦掉鳞粉。3.毒死的蝶蛾应立即取出。长时间放在毒瓶内不停地颠簸会损坏鳞翅。此外,蝶蛾存放在毒瓶中的时间过长会因毒药(指CCl_4或
It is not easy to make a complete lepidopteran specimen. In the many steps of collection and production, if you do not pay attention, it will damage the wings. This not only undermines the ornamental value of the specimen, but more importantly it reduces the scientific value. How to maintain the integrity of lepidopteran insect wings? 1. Specimens should pinch the muscles of the base of insect wings before putting them into the bottle. This will prevent damage to the wings due to insect flapping. 2. The moth must not be mixed with other insects in a poison bottle, otherwise it will easily cause the scale powder to be wiped off due to collision. 3. Poisoned moths should be removed immediately. Prolonged exposure to poison bottles can damage the wings. In addition, it takes too long for the moth to be stored in the vial because of poison (referring to CCl_4 or