我校地处福建南部漳州市紫芝山下,这里气候温和,动植物种类繁多。其中有一种褐云玛瑙螺(Achatina fulica ferussac,蜗牛的一种),外壳漂亮、肉质丰满、既惹人喜爱,又有很高的经济价值。两年以前,我们生物组的老师,组织同学成立了一个饲养蜗牛的兴趣小组,通过饲养、观察和各种实验活动,不但培养了同学们对生物的兴趣,促进了各有关课程的学习,而且还把饲养的蜗牛制品卖给国家,支援了四化。这项活动得到了各方面的鼓励和支持,省团委还在我们这里召开了课外兴趣小组现场会。
Our school is located in Zhangzhou City, southern Fujian Zizhi Mountain, where the mild climate, a wide variety of animals and plants. One of them, the Achatina fulica ferus (Achatina fulica ferussac), is a beautiful shell full of succulent, both pleasing and highly economic value. Two years ago, our biology group teacher and organization classmates set up a hobby group to raise snails. Through breeding, observation and various experimental activities, not only students’ interests in biology have been cultivated, but also various related courses have been promoted, and Also sold the snail products sold to the country, supporting the four modernizations. The activity received encouragement and support from all walks of life and the Provincial Communist Youth League held a live-in-team of extra-curricular interest groups here.